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Rumor: Amazon is working on foldable Kindle and its own AR glasses – Tablets and phones – News

Amazon would consider releasing a Kindle e-reader with a folding screen in the future. E Ink previously showed prototypes of a screen for foldable e-readers. Amazon would also like to make its own AR glasses.

According to Mark Gurman of Bloomberg, the writes about Amazon’s folding Kindle and AR glassesIt’s about long-term plans. Several companies are developing glasses for augmented reality. Apple in particular sees a future in this, but Facebook and electronics manufacturers such as Samsung are also experimenting with AR glasses. Details about Amazon’s plans for AR glasses are unknown.

Amazon would also internally talk about a foldable Kindle. So far, no folding e-readers have been released, but E Ink, the largest manufacturer of screens for e-readers, has already prototypes shown of foldable e-readers, including a 10.3″ model last year. It is unknown if Amazon plans to use such a screen and when the technology will be ready for production.

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