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Rumen Radev: 2 in 1 elections are against the spirit of our constitutional model

How many elections should pass until we understand that without dialogue it is impossible, to think rationally about the consequences for the people, the president recommended

2-in-1 elections are against the spirit of our constitutional model, and the division of responsibilities between the various institutions is in the spirit of the rule of law. So far, there has never been a mix of parliamentary and presidential elections. This was stated by President Rumen Radev during his visit to Rudozem, quoted by BNT.

The head of state believes that a balance should be sought between the price of a single election, as well as a balance between people going to the polls for three consecutive weeks. The president said parliament still had to decide whether to hold the 2-in-one election.

Politics is first and foremost a responsibility and it is high time that the parties represented in parliament realize their responsibility and do not abdicate from it, because the systematic escape from responsibility will lead to these parties being sanctioned in the next elections, if we get to the next elections, “Rumen Radev said.

“How many elections do we have to go through to find out from the previous elections that without dialogue it is not possible, and in these elections now within this parliament to understand that it is not possible without a coalition,” the president noted.

Asked whether ministers from the caretaker cabinet would be part of a regular cabinet, if one was formed, the head of state replied:

“Ministerial ministers need to see what the parliamentary majority that will stand behind them is, what principles and priorities this parliamentary majority will form around, so that they know who they are actually working for and under what conditions.”

“How can these caretaker ministers or I answer like this at the moment: Yes, we will be part of this caretaker government, with what support, around what priorities,” Radev said.

The President expressed his expectations that the National Assembly would form a regular cabinet and update the budget. According to him, the budget update will show which parties work for the needs of Bulgarians and which parties work for themselves.

Everything is in the field of the politically represented political forces, I expect from them reason, wisdom and decision in the interest of the people, said on Friday Rumen Radev in Chepelare in response to a journalistic question in connection with the third investigative mandate.

The President justified his choice to give the mandate to the BSP on the same day with the words: “The BSP has preserved openness and dialogue in the previous efforts to form a cabinet.” Radev included in his motives his belief that “thousands of honest socialists and intra-party democracy are a guarantee that the third term will be used to form a government around clear values, from indisputable personalities, because Bulgaria needs leadership.” .

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