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Ruling and Opposition Parties Clash Over Lee Dong-gwan’s Candidacy for Chairman of Korea Communications Commission


The ruling and opposition parties clashed today (31st) over Lee Dong-gwan’s candidate for the chairman of the Korea Communications Commission.

The power of the people said that the Democratic Party was afraid of ‘normalization of broadcasting’ and was opposed, and the Democratic Party demanded withdrawal, saying that this candidate would become the chairman of the broadcast control committee.

Reporter Lee Ji-yoon reports.


The power of the people covered Lee Dong-gwan, a candidate for the chairman of the Korea Communications Commission.

The prosecution dismissed the suspicion of abusing his son, reconciled with the victim, and refuted that the allegation of external pressure was not true.

[윤재옥/국민의힘 원내대표 : “이동관 후보자와 통화했다는 학교의 이사장은 대화 내용을 외압으로 느끼지 않았다고 분명히 밝혔습니다.”]

On the other hand, the Democratic Party argued that it was necessary to find out why the student riots related to the candidate’s son were not held and how he was able to go to college without any disadvantages.

[강득구/더불어민주당 의원 : “학폭을 어떻게든 은폐시키기 위해 수단과 방법을 가리지 않고, 이를 해결한 그야말로 악성 민원의 전형적인…”]

The power of the people also said that this candidate was the right person to promote future-oriented broadcasting policies.

Against the Democratic Party, they counterattacked that they were against this candidate because they were afraid of ‘normalizing broadcasting’.

[윤두현/국민의힘 미디어정책조정특위 위원장 : “생각이 다른 언론인을 탄압했던 민주당 정권이 이동관 후보자를 두고 언론 장악과 방송 탄압의 상징적 인물이라고 억지를 부립니다.”]

On the other hand, the Democratic Party demanded the withdrawal of the nomination, saying that this candidate would be the ‘Broadcasting Control Committee’, not the chairman of the broadcasting committee.

They argued that the freedom and independence of the press would be undermined by approaching the media only as an industry.

[박광온/더불어민주당 원내대표 : “YTN 민영화, KBS2 민영화, 그리고 MBC 민영화와 같은 주요 방송사들에 대한 민영화 시도가 본격화될 것이라는 걱정이 벌써 커지고 있습니다.”]

The war of nerves between the ruling and opposition parties is expected to continue until the hearing in the middle of next month.

This is Lee Ji-yoon from KBS News.

Cinematographer: Go Young-min, Yoon Dae-min/Video editing: Lee Jin-yi

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2023-07-31 12:27:00
#Lee #Donggwan #nomination #clash #again.. #Public #broadcasting #normalized #Hey #arrogant #rush

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