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Rules Game Competition Instagram 150K subscribers – Staub x Gilles Pudlowski | Gilles Pudlowski’s blog

Organisation – As part of a non-paid partnership with the company ZWILLING STAUB FRANCE, 47B rue des Vinaigriers 75010 Paris, SIRET,: 301 503 108 000 88 which undertakes to make available and offer an assortment of its products, defined below (1 round Staub casserole 24cm Eucalyptus color) and assumes full responsibility for the delivery of the prizes to the winners, the company Les Pieds dans le Plat SAS whose head office is at 229 rue Saint-Honoré 75001 Paris, registered under SIRET number 985 151 596 00014, organizes a competition without obligation to purchase.

Dates – Les Pieds dans le Plat SAS is organizing a free game with no obligation to purchase on the Instagram page @gillespudlo hereinafter called “150K Staub x Gilles Pudlowski subscribers competition” from 03/24/2024 to 10/01/2024 at 11:59 p.m. of Paris (hereinafter the “Game”). The selection of winners will take place on October 1, 2024. The winner will be contacted by private message on the social network Instagram, the latter having no link with the organization of this competition, this operation being neither organized nor sponsored by Instagram.

Participants – This free Game with no obligation to purchase is exclusively open to people residing in mainland France. People who do not meet the conditions set out in these regulations as well as members of the staff of Les Pieds dans le Plat SAS and any person are excluded from the Game. having directly or indirectly participated in the design, production or management of the Game as well as their spouse, members of their families: direct ascendants and descendants or other relatives living or not under their roof.

Les Pieds dans le Plat SAS reserves the right to carry out any useful verification to ensure compliance with this rule. Les Pieds dans le Plat SAS reserves the right to ask any participant to justify the conditions set out above. Any person not meeting these conditions or refusing to justify them will be excluded from the Game and will not be able, in the event of a win, to benefit from their prize. Participation in the Game implies full acceptance of these rules, as well as the French laws and regulations applicable in this matter.

Conditions of participation – Participants must follow the @gillespudlo and @staub_france accounts on Instagram, like and comment on the publication associated with the Game by inviting another account to participate. It is the respect of all the conditions (like and comment of the publication with tag of another account) which determines the validity of the participation and the chances of winning the prize. Subscribing to the newsletter of the ecuadorsclub.io site serves as a bonus condition to maximize your chances, constituting an additional factor taken into account in the draw. In order for their participation to be taken into account, the participant’s Instagram account must be public during the duration of the Game. Any participation made contrary to the provisions of these regulations will result in disqualification and the impossibility of winning any prize awarded. Any participant suspected of fraud may be excluded from the Game by SAS Les Pieds dans le Plat without the company having to justify this. More generally, any attempt to disrupt the normal process of running the Game will result in disqualification of the participant. Any incomplete, erroneous or illegible identification or participation, whether intentionally or not, or made in a form other than that provided for in these regulations will be considered void.

Designation of winners – The winner will be chosen via a random drawing application and contacted by private message by @gillespudlo in order to collect their contact details and the information necessary for the delivery of the products by STAUB France. Their identity (Instagram nickname) may, if necessary, be mentioned as part of an Instagram story dedicated to announcing the winner.

Announcement of the winner – The winner will be contacted by Gilles Pudlowski via a private message on the social network Instagram to which they must respond within 7 days of receipt of the message in order to accept their winning in writing and provide the contact details necessary for the delivery of the products carried out by Zwilling Staub France. Les Pieds dans le Plat SAS is not responsible in the event of provision of incomplete data or in the event of deletion or loss of email or messages, or in the event of a problem accessing social networks.

Gain – 1 Staub round casserole dish 24cm Eucalyptus color – total public value of the lot €279 incl. VAT

Responsibility – Participation in the Game implies knowledge and acceptance of the characteristics and limits of the Internet network, in particular with regard to technical performance, response times for consulting, querying or transferring information, risks of interruption, risks linked to the connection, the lack of protection of certain data against possible misappropriation and the risks of contamination by possible viruses circulating on the network. Les Pieds dans le Plat SAS cannot be held responsible, in particular, for malfunctions that may affect the Internet network, for any configuration problem or related to a given browser.

As such, participants undertake to comply with the laws in force. Les Pieds dans le Plat SAS does not guarantee that Instagram is accessible without interruption, that the site functions and does not contain computer errors or defects. Les Pieds dans le Plat SAS cannot be held liable on this basis.

Les Pieds dans le Plat SAS cannot be held responsible for technical malfunctions of the Game, if participants are unable to connect to Instagram or play, if the data relating to registration is not received for any reason. not attributable to Les Pieds dans le Plat SAS should it arrive illegible or impossible to process or in the event of problems with the delivery of electronic mail. Participants will not be able to claim any compensation in this respect. Participation in the Game is the sole responsibility of the participants. Les Pieds dans le Plat SAS cannot be held responsible for any damage, material or immaterial, caused in particular to participants, computer equipment and the data stored there, or any direct or indirect consequences that may arise, in particular from their personal or professional activity. or commercial.

Les Pieds dans le Plat SAS cannot incur any liability if, in the event of force majeure, it were required to cancel this Game, shorten it, extend it, postpone it or modify its conditions. In all cases, it reserves the possibility of extending the participation period. These changes will, however, be subject to prior information by all appropriate means.

In general, Les Pieds dans le Plat SAS cannot be held responsible for the actions or behavior of participants, winners or their companions.

Personal data of participants – There will be no collection or processing of personal data from participants in the Game with the exception of the necessary steps with the winner (private message) to retrieve their contact details and the information necessary for the delivery of the products managed and supervised by ZWILLING STAUB FRANCE

The winners authorize Les Pieds dans le Plat SAS to use their contact details (surname, first name) for advertising or public relations purposes, on any medium whatsoever, without this conferring on them any remuneration, rights or advantages of any kind, other than the allocation of his lot.

Dispute and complaint – Les Pieds dans le Plat SAS reserves the right to resolve without appeal any difficulty that may arise regarding the interpretation or application of these regulations, it being understood that no dispute will be admitted in particular on the terms of the Game, on the results, on the winnings or their receipt, one month after the end of the Game. Any complaint must be sent within the month following the end date of the Game to Les Pieds dans le Plat SAS at the email address [email protected] ). After this date, no complaints will be accepted.

Applicable law – These regulations are subject to French law. In the event of persistent disagreement over the application of these regulations, the dispute will be subject to the sovereign assessment of the competent French courts.

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