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Rui Vitória on his way to Panathinaikos | Abola.pt | Abola.pt


The Portuguese coach is being appointed as Diego Alonso’s replacement

Diego Alonso left and the Panathians he already has a fan. According to Sportal, Rui Vitória has been chosen to lead the Athens team.


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news-item-description ellipsis-2-line">Diego Alonso leaves the technical leadership of the Greeks

According to the latest information, the two parties have already reached a verbal agreement, with the Portuguese coach expected to be in Greece on Wednesday to finalize details and sign a contract. Panathinaikos’ aim is for Rui Vitória to make his debut in the next league match, against Volos (November 3rd).

After times in Vilafranquense, Fatima, Paços de Ferreirav. Guimarães, Benfica, Al Nasr, Spartak Moscow and Egypt, the 54-year-old coach is very close to joining one of the biggest clubs in Greek football.

Throughout his life, he won three LigaPortuguese, two Super cups, two Portuguese Cups, a Liga (all at service Benfica), one Liga and Saudi Arabia and a Super cup from Saudi Arabia, by Al Nassr.

2024-10-29 22:19:00
#Rui #Vitória #Panathinaikos #Abola.pt #Abola.pt

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