Home » today » News » Rui Moreira inhibited from repeating the acronym with which he won the municipalities in 2013 and 2017. Tantrum of Rui Rio, say the independents

Rui Moreira inhibited from repeating the acronym with which he won the municipalities in 2013 and 2017. Tantrum of Rui Rio, say the independents

The Civic Association affects Rui Moreira is against the law that alters the rules for independent movements that run for municipal elections, promulgated this Friday by the President of the Republic. For independent supporters of the mayor of Porto, the amendment to the municipal electoral law completes a cycle started in 2017, when the PSD tried, through the courts, to stop the movement’s candidacy with the acronym ‘Rui Moreira, Porto our Party’.

“Defeated at the polls, defeated at the secretariat, Rui Rio did not give up. Not out of persistence, but out of obsession. These are his obsessions and tantrums. And he is only a democrat when it suits him ”, says the statement ‘Porto, Our Movement’, referring to the challenges brought by the PSD / PPM coalition, called ‘Porto Autêntico’, led by the current deputy ‘orange’ and councilor of the Chamber of Porto Álvaro Almeida, and which aimed to prevent Rui Moreira from running for office with the acronym with which he was elected in 2013.

It is recalled that the actions were rejected by the Judicial Court of the District of Porto, which considered the impugnation requests to be unfounded, during the pre-campaign of the last municipalities. For the independents, the new autarchic diploma is the result of the PSD party’s “recent and subservient marriage with the PS”. “He negotiated the dowry and managed to see a law passed that has as its only obvious target the movement that won the last two elections in Porto, and freed the city from ‘laughi’ grayness, maintains the leadership of the civic association, adding that it is a law” to the tantrum ”of the Social Democratic President.

“The Movement is prevented from running again with the name with which it won the last elections, not being able to use the word ‘party’ and not being able to use the name of the candidate in the Chamber in the acronyms of the lists competing for the Parishes”, warn the independents, stressing that everything was “engineered to deceive and confuse the voter, and with the forelock to affirm in the recitals that this is what we want to avoid”.

To conclude the statement, the independents maintain that “today is a sad day for democracy and biliary joy for Dr. Rui Rio”, but that they will not give up on Porto, still launching a challenge to the PSD leader to present himself as candidate for Porto, in 2021, “with the few PSD who still support him and his”fellow travelers “ and allies of the PS and, by the way, invite Chega ”.

In July, the new diploma was approved with the favorable votes of the PS and PSD, an amendment that also prevents an independent candidate from being able to run for one of Organs autonomous bodies – the city council and the municipal assembly -, or even more than one parish assembly. The change was justified in the name of transparency and “clarification”.

BE, CDS and PAN considered that the changes made life difficult for groups of citizens and small parties. PCP and ENP abstained.

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