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Rugby (National 2): ​​Anglet overthrows Floirac (27-17)

In a new attempt to revive their field, Anglet committed another striker. It was enough for center Nathan Courtade to recover the ball. Two passes later, full-back Victor Gayan punished the locals with a new try (0-14, 17th). Opportunists despite being in place, the Floirac players fed on opponents’ mistakes. Opener Roman Aleyrangues even worsened the phrase moments later (0-17, 23rd).

Anglet wakes up

On hard, Anglet recovers at the end of the first period. After a first try rejected for the striker, Anthony Biscay’s men quickly took the lead and wing back Maxime Egurrola closed the gap just before the break (7-17, 38th). This new trend continued when we returned from the locker room. Upwind the Angloys pressed hard in this sector to get back to scoring. From a powerful maul five meters from the line, the former Vannes Maxime Jadot allowed his team to come back within three points (14-17, 45th).

Much more efficient and cleaner in the game, the Anglet Olympique pushed his opponent to make a mistake. Bastien Scotto D’Apollonia received ten minutes of forced rest (55th) and the Basques immediately took advantage of it. After several halves of play near the line, scrum-half Arthur Aziza found the loophole to give his team the lead (21-17, 57th), before Thomas Curutchet gave Anglet more breathing space with a penalty (24- 17, 62°).

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