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Rugby: between aspirants and young people from L’Isle-Jourdain

Hopes confirmed their win at Castelnaudary this Sunday by receiving Valence-d’Agen, which they beat 24 to 18. It was a successful first act that showed them the way forward. Taking advantage of an offside visitor, Lislois’ group, radiant this afternoon, pushed Dessert into the visitor’s trap for the first try. Captain Belotti’s men then allowed Coan Roualdès to double and Matéo Fuste, in imperial contact, allowed Tostain to pierce the opponent’s last defensive curtain. Things were therefore well under way for Lislois against a formation that did not give up a test in strength of the Vesmond pillar and another on an overflow of the winger Durand. Swanepoel, the footballer, gave his team an honorable score, not without making the Lislois fans sweat cold. This precious victory before the trip to Tulle allows the “blood and gold” to regain a renewed confidence.

For young people. It was the derby of the junior and cadet national team this Saturday on Lislois ground between the USL Save and the Auch-Gimont-Masseube agreement (Heart of Gascony) and this in front of a large hall of fans. Among the cadets, the guests won with a score of 12 to 27 but the Savistes kept the opponents of the day at bay. The opening was a guest, with a try in the first few minutes, but then the locals reacted on a successful attack from Escobar. The A Outputins have resumed the thread of the match and brought the Lemons 17 to 5. Couturé’s try with the support of the Saviste group gave color to the premises but the last quarter of an hour was fatal for USL Save. Among the juniors, it was also the boys of the Auch-Gimont-Masseube agreement who took the game with a score of 0 to 10. The Savistes were unsuccessful and were deprived of the balls against well-organized guests. However, the locals did not give up, but the scorers were on a day without. The championships have moved to RC Montauban. If the juniors shone by giving themselves an improved victory 17 to 41, it was the opposite for the cadets who lost 50 to 12 against a more seasoned formation than theirs and despite their will.

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