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Rueil-Malmaison: gunshot and fireworks at the Mazurières

Shots were heard in the night from Thursday to Friday in Rueil-Malmaison, in a district of Mazurières under high voltage. A young man was injured in at least one small caliber shot, the police were attacked and some residents cracked.

Around 10:30 p.m., the police were called to assist the firefighters who had to rescue a gunshot wounded man who had been hit in front of a fast food establishment on avenue du 18-Juin-1940. The security forces rush on the spot.

But instead of discovering a wounded man, they find themselves facing “several dozen hostile individuals”, according to the police report. The tension is high and, quickly, they are targeted by three fireworks. None of the police were injured, neither was anyone on the side of the attackers, and there was no material damage.

Motorized rodeo and fireworks every evening

Since they also did not find a gunshot victim on the spot, the police left the scene. And learn in the process that a young man presented himself to the emergency at the Foch hospital in Suresnes, victim of gunfire. He is injured in the arm.

The police from the local police station then tried to interrogate him to determine where the shots were coming from and who was able to pull the trigger. However, the victim was very talkative, clearly not keen to guide the investigators. An exasperated inhabitant could have fired from his window, exasperated by the noise and the rodeos. “The young man who was injured, he was rodeo,” says a resident of the neighborhood.

The atmosphere did not really cool down over the night, according to the testimonies of certain inhabitants, exasperated by the noise and the nuisance of a “small group”, specifies a resident. “It is a small group but every evening, they put on music until 3 am, they sometimes fireworks,” he adds.

A father beaten up after having intervened

After one of these fireworks, shortly after midnight, a father from the neighborhood came down to speak to those who disturbed everyone’s night. The discussion turned sour and the father received a beating, says his wife in a Facebook post.

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