end of december the Preply portal surprised with a ranking of the rudest cities in Spain, according to the opinion “of its own residents.” There the Alicante-Elche area appeared as the third in the classification, only behind Santa Cruz de Tenerife and Granada.
The score that people from Alicante and Elche gave to their own place of residence in the rudeness scale was 5.81above San Sebastián, Bilbao, Palma, Barcelona, Málaga, Valladolid and Madrid, the rest of the towns that close the top 10.
Instead, the Orihuela-Murcia area it appears as the fourth where its inhabitants have a better concept of their own education, while Valencia is in third place. The most educated city in Spain according to this classification is Vigo, with a score of 5.17 in rudeness, followed by the A Coruña-Oleiros-Arteixo area.
[Las 10 ciudades de España donde la gente se comporta peor, según sus residentes]
What criteria does this classification use to decide which cities are more or less rude? well preply breaks it down into 12 items, and some cities perform better in some and very bad in others. The final score is obtained by averaging.
The complete list of the rude behaviors and the cities that show the worst behavior in them is the following:
1. Being on the phone all the time in public: Saint Sebastian.
2. Do not let other cars pass when there is traffic: Granada.
3. Do not slow down when driving near pedestrian areas with pedestrians: Santa Cruz of Tenerife.
4. Being loud in public: Santa Cruz of Tenerife.
5. Do not welcome outsiders: Saint Sebastian.
6. Watch videos in public: Orihuela-Murcia.
7. Talk to the speaker in public: Bilbao.
8. Block out body language: Saint Sebastian.
9. Not respecting personal space: Alicante-Elche.
10. Being rude to the service staff: Granada.
11. Not leaving a tip: Saint Sebastian.
12. Skip the line: Granada.
As you can see, Alicante-Elche get the worst grade in the country in the “Not respecting personal space” section, while Orihuela-Murcia does so in “Watching videos in public” despite the fact that, in its general classification, it is one of the most educated areas in Spain.
On the other hand, in Preply they also asked the participants their opinion about who they thought were more rude, residents or non-residents“the self by the contrary was equal to ill-educated people”.
And among all cities, 21.25% thought non-residents were ruder than residents and 26.04% indicated that locals were ruder in their opinion. Finally, 40.97% indicated similarity in the degree of rudeness on both sides and 11.74% indicated that they did not know what to say.
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