Home » today » World » Rubicon Student Group: Intervention in solidarity with the Palestinian people outside the US embassy (Photos) – 2024-05-01 16:09:56

Rubicon Student Group: Intervention in solidarity with the Palestinian people outside the US embassy (Photos) – 2024-05-01 16:09:56

Intervention outside the US embassy in solidarity with the people of Palestine and the student mobilizations occupying US universities, the Rubicon student group held on Tuesday.

“We stand in solidarity with the massive anti-war student demonstrations in the US, which evoke memories of similar demonstrations in ’68 against the war in Vietnam. This treaty creates the conditions for the emergence of a truly large, massive and unyielding anti-war-anti-imperialist movement in the heart of the beast, from its very bowels”, they point out in their announcement.

It should be noted that the police proceeded to arrest the members of the organization who participated in the intervention, who are still detained in GADA.

The announcement

The bloody events of more than 200 days and the murder of more than 30 thousand civilians in Palestine by the terrorist state of Israel, under the auspices of NATO, the USA and the complicity and cooperation of the rest of the Western states, including Greece, characterizes a single word. GENOCIDE. This is the reality no matter how much the Greek government and its mouthpieces try to distort it. A genocide which the Greek government directly supports, as, beyond the obscene propaganda, the “Hydra” frigate has been plowing for a long time in the Gulf of Aden actively participating in the war front with the Houthis, while at the same time the government grants land and water in the EU and NATO for the transport of military equipment to Ukraine and the Middle East, among other things, with the Greek territory acting as a first-class base for mass production of deaths, serving the imperialist designs of the West and the businesses of all kinds of capitalists.

Whatever statements Mitsotakis and Adonis make about the right to self-defense and about Israel’s difficult moment, should have been canceled both by the reports of attempts by the International Criminal Court to issue an arrest warrant against the criminal-fascist Netanyahu and by his collective attitude progressive world internationally, which is unanimously in favor of the liberation of Palestine and an immediate ceasefire. Knowing that the only correct side of history is the one on the side of the Palestinians, but also of those Jews who do not accept mass crimes against humanity being committed in their name.

In the front line of this battle stands the most vital part of society, the youth. For so long, the Greek government smeared and slandered the students who mobilized and sat down against private universities, used every means to reinforce the narrative of the “Greek phenomenon of squatters” and at the same time furiously tried to impose terror. In this context of repression, even after the end of the occupations was marked, the highlight was the mafia raid by armed police forces on the home of a member of the student union of the University of Rethymnon under the pretext of “some slogans-graffiti in favor of Palestine”.

However, the propaganda about the Greek phenomenon seemed to collapse completely, after the domino occupations that have broken out in the largest universities in the USA (Columbia, Yale, Boston, etc.), those of the “excellent” that the Greek state works so hard to bring and here to stop the lawlessness and for the university community to function properly(!). In more and more American universities, multi-day militant protests and encampments-occupations are taking place inside the university and other public spaces, with which students raise their voice and stature against the genocide of the Palestinian people, and demand the immediate cessation of any cooperation of the university institutions with the military staffs of the Israeli state.

The only Greek, or rather global phenomenon that was finally recorded in the USA was the state violence and the beatings by the repressive forces, especially at Columbia University, with the arrests of students and professors exceeding 200, while the university authorities they have proceeded to suspend the student status of many students, ban them from entering the campus, evict them from their dormitories and confiscate their belongings that they left at the camp. Phenomena that are slowly making their appearance in the university spaces here, taking an example from the country of “freedom and progress”, as they like to say the USA. It is known, however, that many of the universities of this global imperialist center largely function as auxiliaries of various war industries and national armies, among them the Israeli one. How “progress and freedom” are consistent with participating in the planning and execution of a mass massacre of a people, in this case the Palestinian people, but not only that, is something that we do not expect any authority of this world to answer us. In the mass production of civilian deaths, however, US and NATO imperialists, their regional minions such as the Greek state, and the terrorist state of Israel excel.

We stand in solidarity with the massive anti-war student demonstrations in the US, which evoke memories of similar demonstrations in ’68 against the war in Vietnam. This condition creates the conditions for the emergence of a truly large, massive and unyielding anti-war-anti-imperialist movement in the heart of the beast, from its very bowels.



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