American actress Drew Barrymore had to face fame when she was only 6 years old, following the release of the movie “ET”. During her adolescence, she spent her evenings in nightclubs and consumed alcohol and drugs, from the age of 13.

On the Howard Stern show, the 46-year-old mother confided in this period. “I went to clubs, didn’t go to school, and stole my mom’s car. I was out of control.

She then tells that her mother wanted to put an end to this descent into hell by interning her in a psychiatric hospital. “I was in a place for a year and a half called Van Nuys Psychiatric and you couldn’t mess around there. If you did, you were either put in a solitary confinement cell or on a stretcher and tied up.

Today Drew Barrymore said goodbye to his demons. She concludes by saying that she forgave her mother. “I think she created a monster and she didn’t know what to do with this monster. It was his last hope, I had really gotten out of control. I forgive him for making that choice.