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RTL takes ‘disgusting’ LuckyTV about Bilal Wahib offline

In the video we see Bilal rapping about his shocking request to the 12-year-old boy to show his genitals. Beau van Erven Dorens is also involved in the ‘song’: “Can I cry with you on TV, Beau?” “I asked a boy for his dollo and I’m soooo sorry. Can you save me Beau?”

The text went one step further. “Come here now Beau, give me your squeaky. Please, show him, we’re best friends now.” And: “Show your dick! I swear, it was a joke, not child porn! Show your pee”, was heard.

Viewers found the choice of this LuckyTV ‘disrespectful’ and going way too far. “How do you think this comes across to the victim?” Someone writes on Twitter. Another does not understand that this is being broadcast after the victim’s family explicitly asked for no additional publicity, the reason why Bilal stopped coming at the last minute.

Bakken is therefore critical, which probably made RTL decide to take the video offline – it can no longer be viewed via RTL XL. You can still watch the fragment in question at the end of last night’s broadcast.

Yesterday, RTL Boulevard was again extensively talking about the case surrounding Bilal. You can watch the clip below:

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