Home » today » Technology » RTK: Attention Scammers Outsmarted Elder via WhatsApp in Idstein! And other news … | city ​​of news

RTK: Attention Scammers Outsmarted Elder via WhatsApp in Idstein! And other news … | city ​​of news

Bad Schwalbach

1. Thief in Niedernhausen, Niedernhausen, Schöne Aussicht, 17 October 2022

On Monday, the thieves tried their hand at several residential buildings in Niedernhausen. At around 6:30 am, a Feldstrasse resident noticed a person in dark clothes standing at the back of her house, but she fled when the outside lights were turned on. Later, between 7:05 and 17:30, strangers succeeded in a residential building in the “Schöne Aussicht”, where they were able to steal a safe and its contents after opening a balcony door. Around 8:45 pm, strangers went to an object in Engenhahner Strasse, where they also tried to open a balcony door, but without success. In all cases, the perpetrators remained unnoticed and managed to escape. Persons who have been able to identify suspicious persons or vehicles in the crime scene area at the appropriate time are advised to contact the responsible investigators on 06124 70780.

2. Elderly woman deceived via WhatsApp Idstein, Taubenberg, from October 16, 2022 from 15:09 to October 17, 2022 from 9:04

Between Sunday and Monday, an elder from Idstein was tempted to pay via WhatsApp. On Sunday, the scammers contacted an elderly woman in Idstein via WhatsApp and used clever conversations to pretend she was chatting with her daughter. Under the guise of a financial emergency, the elderly woman is expected to pay several bills for her alleged daughter. The authors were unsuccessful due to a technical failure.

3. Wounded on the B42 Walluf, B42, 17/10/2022, 20:50

Two people were injured in a car accident on the B42 near Walluf on Monday evening. On Monday evening, three vehicles involved in the accident traveled on the B42 towards Rüdesheim. In the area of ​​the Walluf exit, one of the vehicles, a Honda, intended to change lanes from right to left. This resulted in a collision with an Audi driving on the left. Following the collision, Audi turned across the street and collided with both a safety barrier and a Citroen driving behind the Honda. The accident injured both the 21-year-old Audi driver and the 53-year-old Honda driver. The latter had to be taken to the hospital for further medical treatment.

Original content from: PD Rheingau-Taunus – West Hessian Police Headquarters, broadcast by news aktuell

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