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RTE.ie – Ex-PMs Challenge Bill, Prompting a Brexit-Deal Revolt Against Sunak

The Financial Times reported on Monday that Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak is bracing himself for an internal party revolt, as two former Conservative Prime Ministers unite to oppose the UK government’s plans to override parts of the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement. The bill, which threatens to breach international law, has sparked widespread criticism, with EU officials warning that it could threaten the fragile peace in Northern Ireland. Meanwhile, the UK faces an October deadline to agree a post-Brexit trade deal with the EU, or face significant disruption to its trade with the bloc come January. As the deadline approaches, the bill has added further tension to already fraught negotiations.

UK Chancellor Rishi Sunak is facing a potential revolt over his Brexit deal. According to reports, two former UK Prime Ministers, Theresa May and John Major, are opposing the controversial Internal Market Bill, which has been criticised for compromising the integrity of the UK’s Brexit deal with the European Union. Meanwhile, current Prime Minister Boris Johnson and International Trade Secretary Liz Truss have indicated they will support the bill, which is due to be voted on in the House of Commons today.

The Withdrawal Agreement between the UK and the EU has already been signed and passed into law, but the Internal Market Bill would override certain provisions of the agreement, namely those regarding Northern Ireland. The bill has been criticised by the EU, which has threatened legal action if it is passed, and by some UK MPs who argue that it could damage the UK’s reputation and international standing. Critics also fear it could threaten the Good Friday Agreement, which ended decades of violent conflict in Northern Ireland.

Despite the opposition to the bill, Sunak has been praised for his handling of the Brexit process. The Chancellor took over the role from former Chancellor Sajid Javid earlier this year and has been praised for his calm and composed approach, which has helped to reassure investors and businesses during a difficult period of economic uncertainty. Sunak has also won plaudits for his response to the COVID-19 pandemic, with his programmes of government support for businesses and workers being widely praised.

Some analysts have suggested that Sunak’s strong position on Brexit could also help him to advance his political career. There have been rumours of a leadership contest within the Conservative Party, with many seeing Sunak as a potential future leader. His handling of Brexit and the pandemic have only served to enhance his reputation, and he is widely seen as one of the most effective members of the current government.

However, the controversy over the Internal Market Bill could yet threaten Sunak’s standing. If the bill is defeated in the House of Commons, it would be a significant blow to both Johnson and Sunak, and could damage their standing with pro-Brexit voters. Conversely, if the bill is passed, it could lead to legal challenges and diplomatic tensions with the EU, potentially damaging Sunak’s reputation as a competent and effective Chancellor.

Overall, the situation surrounding the Internal Market Bill is complex and uncertain. However, one thing is clear: Rishi Sunak’s handling of the Brexit process and the COVID-19 pandemic has won him widespread praise and admiration. Whether this will be enough to help him weather the storm of the Internal Market Bill remains to be seen, but one thing is certain: he is one of the UK’s most talented and influential politicians, and his star is likely to continue rising.

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