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RSUD SSMA shares information about acute bronchitis – Pontianak News

PONTIANAKNEWS.COM (PONTIANAK)Bronchitis Acute inflammation of the bronchi is what usually happens in the short term, that is less than three weeks. If acute bronchitis is not treated immediately, there may be a risk of secondary complications, such as pneumonia.

Therefore, people need to recognize the symptoms and how to deal with acute bronchitis. This was expressed by Dr. Nihayutus Solikah while providing education to 21 patients and visitors at the Regional General Hospital (OSPAIRE) Sultan Syarif Mohamad Alkadrie (SSMA) Pontianak City, Tuesday (13/82024).

According to Dr. Nihayatus, the cause of bronchitis is a viral infection, including influenza A and B viruses, parainfluenza viruses, respiratory syncytial viruses, coronaviruses, adenoviruses and rhinoviruses. However, bacterial infections such as Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Streptococcus pneumoniae can also cause it, although they are rare.

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“Symptoms of acute bronchitis include sudden onset of cough, 10 to 20 days, with or without sputum production, sore throat, hoarseness, dyspnea, night cough, mild fever, fatigue, headache and myalgia,” he explained .

He said that most cases of acute bronchitis are self-limiting diseases and recover completely with supportive and symptomatic management.

Supportive management includes adequate rest, eating nutritious food, and ensuring that respiratory function is working well.

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“At the same time, symptomatic management aims to relieve the symptoms that appear, for example taking paracetamol to reduce fever,” he said.

Non-pharmacological treatments can also be done, such as drinking warm tea, honey, ginger and throat lozenges.

“Furthermore, it is important to maintain hand hygiene to prevent transmission to others. “And do flu and pneumonia vaccines to prevent respiratory tract infections,” he explained. (SS).

2024-08-13 12:47:35
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