SHAB 210715/2021 – 15.07.2021
Categories: Liquidation, change of company name
RSD Reisen Schweiz AG, in Zurich, CHE-175.933.784, Aktiengesellschaft (SHAB No. 109 from June 9th, 2021, publ. 1005210593).
Change of statutes:
New company:
RSD Reisen Schweiz AG in liquidation.
Messages new:
Notifications to shareholders are made by letter, email or fax to the addresses listed in the share register. The bearer shares were converted into registered shares by law on May 1st, 2021. With the resolution of the general assembly on June 16, 2021, the company’s articles of association were adapted to the conversion. [bisher: Die Inhaberaktien sind am 01.05.2021 von Gesetzes wegen in Namenaktien umgewandelt worden. Die Statuten der Gesellschaft sind noch nicht an die Umwandlung angepasst worden;
die Anpassung muss anlässlich der nächsten Statutenänderung erfolgen.]. The company was dissolved by resolution of the General Meeting on June 16, 2021.
Peoples registration new or modified:
Treureva AG (CHE-105.888.546), in Zürich, Liquidatorin.