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RSA for young people, employment, business aid, compare the economic programs in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté

A brief overview of the flagship measures of the 7 candidates for the regional election in Burgundy-Franche-Comté in terms of economy and employment.

Ask for the program! “The economy is important because the region is the leader”, recalls Denis Thuriot. Like his 6 opponents in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, the head of the LREM list in the 2021 regional elections makes the revival of activity after the Covid-19 crisis and the fight against unemployment fundamental themes of the campaign.

Support for young people, employment and business support, a brief overview of the measures proposed by the candidates concerning one of the major challenges of this election.

A young RSA?

The candidate of the Cherry Time, Bastien Faudot (LFI), offers a form of RSA dedicated to the youngest. Stéphanie Modde (EELV) wants a minimum income for those under 25 in a precarious situation. Without going as far as a guaranteed income for young people, Denis Thuriot also wants to raise funds to support young people in precarious situations and allocate emergency income for students in difficulty. Finally, for Marie-Guite Dufay (PS), student aid must be developed in partnership with the CROUS.

How to promote access to employment for the youngest?

According to the Ministry of Labor, the number of young people who register with Pôle Emploi at the end of their studies increased by 34.9% in 2020 in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté. For most candidates, making the world of work accessible to students is a major issue in this election.

“We will put the package on professional integration. We must bring companies inside schools”, promises Gilles Platret (LR). Concretely, the candidate wants workers to go to high schools in the region to offer students career plans. Stéphanie Modde explains that she also wants to coordinate with high schools in the region to prepare for the integration of students. “There is a lot of work to be done so that no young person is left without a solution”, slips the top of the EELV list.

VIDEO. What measures for economic recovery? Should we ask companies for social compensation? Compare the candidates’ proposals.

My proposals for the economy

© Gaël Simon

4 candidates for business creation aid

For Gilles Platret, Marie-Guite Dufay, Julien Odoul (RN) and Denis Thuriot, the region must be a driving force to support the creation of companies in sectors of the future. LR and PS candidates want to create a fund to help young people start their businesses. “I will place particular emphasis on the financing of start-ups. This is where the jobs of tomorrow are forged”, assures the current president of the regional council.

A proposal that resembles that of the head of the RN list which proposes a plan of 100 million euros for the companies of the future. “The region must act so that our young people can find outlets. I have one ambition, to ensure that Bourgogne-Franche-Comté does not become a social and industrial desert”, says Julien Odoul.

Finally, the leader of the LREM list intends to lend 10,000 euros to each young person in the region to support them in their professional project. “It’s a loan without interest rate that he will repay when he can for 30 years”, he explains.

Marie-Guite Dufay’s proposals

  • Help young people to set up their business through a “Young entrepreneurs investment fund”
  • Reinforce student aid in partnership with CROUS

Denis Thuriot’s proposals

  • Loan of € 10,000 through young capital
  • Allocate a temporary emergency income for the most precarious

Julien Odoul’s proposals

  • Double aid for learning and training
  • Sovereign fund of € 100 million for companies of the future

Claire Rocher’s proposals

  • No specific proposal

Gilles Platret proposals

  • Promote career guidance
  • “Young Entrepreneur” loan to encourage the creation of new businesses

Stéphanie Modde’s proposals

  • Accelerate the creation of VSEs from student projects
  • Minimum income for those under 25 in a precarious situation

Bastien Faudot’s proposals

  • Support provided to young RSA
  • Creation of 20,000 places per year in vocational training

Support businesses or ask them for social compensation?

There is almost a consensus on the issue of business aid. Only Claire Rocher and Gilles Platret stand out from all the candidates for the 2021 Regional. The LO candidate argues that the regional council’s aid is mainly used for stock market speculation and does not guarantee job security. “15,000 jobs have been cut in the region despite subsidies that have broken all records since the start of the pandemic”, she draws up.

Gilles Platret goes against his opponent and wants to support businesses in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté as a priority. “They are the ones who create wealth, they are the ones we want to help first”. The head of the LR list no longer wants aid to industries in the region to be subject to social or environmental conditions. “We had too many conditionalities. I don’t like a business manager who comes to me and tells me ‘I wanted to seek aid from the region but the file is so complicated to put together that I gave it up'”.

For Marie-Guite Dufay, the conditionality of aid is beneficial.“It works !, assures the current president of the regional council. It is important that there are counterparts from the moment the public money is advanced “. Bastien Faudot, Denis Thuriot, Stéphanie Modde and Julien Odoul find themselves in the same position as the head of the PS list. We must support local businesses, but ask them for certain commitments in return.

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