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Royal biographer: “Harry’s next move? Prince William fears the worst” | Royalty

RoyaltyThese are stuffy days for British Prince William (39). According to author Duncan Larcombe, who wrote the book ‘Prince Harry: The Inside Story’ and is in contact with the palace, the prince is afraid to discover what steps his brother (36) and his wife Meghan (39) will take. . That fear would have grown after the Duke and Duchess of Sussex signed lucrative contracts with Netflix and Spotify, among others.

According to the author, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are still doing everything they can to make the cash register ring ‘royal’, including by constantly talking about the court. The couple’s former chief of staff revealed earlier this week that their long-term plan is to become “Social Impact-Influencers,” but their plans to set up their own trademark were thwarted in America by lawyers and the judiciary. However, according to the royal author, Harry and Meghan still have a number of “very lucrative projects” in the pipeline, although ultimately it will be the consequences by the royal family that determine their success.

“What do they do next? That is the question that Prince William dreads,” says Duncan Larcombe. “Eventually Harry and Meghan are looking for a way to do their job in Los Angeles without having to give up the ‘royal brand’. But Prince Harry hasn’t exactly been subtle. He has revealed to the world that he really hates his family and that the whole system is rotten to the core. But by constantly talking about the royals like that, they’re also cashing in on the brand. And if Harry and Meghan spend their entire career selling that royal brand, they’ll never talk to William again.”

‘All given up’

Meanwhile, the author sees major contradictions emerging. “Harry and Meghan seem to think they can coexist in these two worlds: the world of British royals and American celebrities. Harry now loves American life, but he’s still in the “honeymoon phase.” When he came back to the UK and saw his brother again, especially against the very moving backdrop of the statue to their mother, it may have made him wonder why he gave it all up.”

Harry and Meghan announced last year that they wanted to distance themselves from the British royal family. The couple immediately announced that they would no longer use the title his/her Royal Highness and expressed their wish to become financially independent from the royal family. The Duke and Duchess kept their honorary titles and agreed with Buckingham Palace that the agreements would be reviewed after a year. Harry and Meghan moved with their son Archie initially to Canada and later to the United States, in search of more privacy.

The evaluation after a year turned into a cold shower: after intense conversations, the Queen then wrote in writing that Harry and Meghan’s wishes are incompatible with the responsibilities and duties associated with the duties of working members of the British royal family. . It was then decided that Harry and his wife would not return as ‘working members’ of the royal family and that they would still have to surrender all their titles and patronages.

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