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Router warns – asks people to consider alternatives to the subway

There has been more snow than expected in recent days, and the ski slopes in Nordmarka in Oslo have thus received the long-awaited refill.

This leads to congestion on the subway line 1 towards Frognerseteren, which is a popular starting point for skiing.

At Tryvann there are long lift queues and full parking spaces. This means that the real alternatives to the subway are taxi or walking. Photo: Frode Sunde / TV 2

This weekend, Ruter has deployed guards at the stations Midtstuen and Frognerseteren. Press officer Sofie Bruun says Aftenposten that it began to fill up on Saturday afternoon.

– Finding other destinations can be a good idea, says Bruun.

Before the weekend, the public transport company warned of the danger of congestion on line 1 towards Frognerseteren this weekend, and they recommended finding alternatives to the metro between Frognerseteren and Midtstuen

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