Home » today » Business » ROUNDUP: Thousands of jobs at Lufthansa on the brink – wrestling for savings package 06/10/20

ROUNDUP: Thousands of jobs at Lufthansa on the brink – wrestling for savings package 06/10/20

FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) – Lufthansa and the unions continue to struggle for a savings package for the battered airline. Thousands of jobs are on the brink. Lufthansa put the mathematical surplus at 22,000 full-time positions, as the company announced on Wednesday after a collective bargaining summit with the unions Cockpit, Ufo and Verdi. Recently, there was talk of well over 10,000 jobs. The aim is to avoid redundancies as possible as a result of short-time work and crisis agreements, said Lufthansa.

“Without a significant reduction in personnel costs during the crisis, we will miss the chance of a better restart from the crisis and risk that the Lufthansa Group will emerge from the crisis significantly weaker,” said Human Resources Director Michael Niggemann. Every effort is made to reach concrete results with the tariff partners by June 22, 2020.

Lufthansa expects the recovery in air traffic demand to be slow. It assumes that the Lufthansa Group’s fleet will count around 100 fewer aircraft after the crisis. There would also be overhangs in the administration and third-party business of the service companies.

The flight attendant union Ufo emphasized that it was ready to reach a solution by the extraordinary general meeting on June 25th. At the same time, she said: “The employees of all airlines in the group must be protected against dismissal and believe that the management is finally going on a common course.” According to Ufo, the calculated surplus corresponds to 26,000 jobs.

“It is good that we exchanged ideas so intensively today. However, it has been shown that a joint effort is still a long way off,” said UFO Chairman Daniel Flohr. So far, Ufo has offered a zero round for this year and the reduction of the hourly surcharge for particularly long flights.

The pilot union union cockpit reaffirmed its willingness to make concessions in the amount of 350 million euros. For the individual pilot, this means a waiver of up to 45 percent. “In return, we only expect the Group Executive Board to commit to its employees,” said VC President Markus Wahl. Using the contribution to outsource jobs on poorer terms would be totally unacceptable. At the same time, Wahl appealed to the shareholders to approve the rescue package for Lufthansa.

The corona pandemic with the travel restrictions had almost brought Lufthansa business to a standstill, with the exception of freight. The group therefore needs state help. In return for a nine billion rescue package including federal participation in the company, Lufthansa has to hand over 24 take-off and landing rights to the competition at its important airports in Frankfurt and Munich.

At an extraordinary general meeting on June 25, shareholders still have to give the green light for parcel. Lufthansa CEO Carsten Spohr wants to present a savings concept to the Annual General Meeting. The group, which had flown a billion dollar loss in the first quarter, employs around 138,000 people./mar/DP/he

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