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Rouen – Anglet (League Magnus, 27th day) | Magnus League – Ice Hockey

What a part of the RHE76! The Dragons simply crushed the AHPB on the ice of Île Lacroix. A great victory with the score of 10-2 thanks in particular to Christophe Boivin as detonator, the great trio of Lampérier, the PP led by Beauchemin and the solid blue line manned by Dodéro and Deberge. Tonin Caubet, preferred to Pintaric, did a good job (93.9% stops).

This success with the manner also offers second place to Rouennais because, around this time, Angers stumbled in Chamonix. The Hormadi, apart from Victor Ranger, was rather apathetic. He has nothing to do with the commandos who came to triumph here a little over a month ago.

Two evenings after opening their Christmas parcels, the players on the banks of the Seine gave their fans a nice last gift with this shower of goals. Fabrice Lhenry’s players did more than avoid the Basque trap. They have dealt the blow to a team that has held on quite well until tonight and in the most ferocious way. Performance of the Normans who launch a new strong message to the other Magnus League teams, after a victory with a character reported by Cergy: we will (again) have to count on this Rouen there in 2023!

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New setback instead for the Basque club, which is struggling to renew itself game after game. After this 5th consecutive setback, away, and rather weak performance, play-off qualification moves away (surely?).

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Frankly completely upset in defense, despite a point-blank recovery by Ranger (5’30), and the reduction of the score by Dame-Malka in PP (2-1 at 7’24) in reaction to Rouen’s first two goals, the teammates of Decock’s team approached. They were dominated in almost all areas of the game: duels, favorable rebounds, turnovers, discipline, speed, everything often went in the direction of the Seino-Marins who improved their highlights with goals from Boivin (1-0 to 3’50 & 3-1 at 9’33), Tessier (2-0 at 05’06) and Lampérier (4-1 at 12’06).

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Forced to react in order not to suffer from fatigue but too messy despite their intentions, Pierrick Rezard’s players were punished again in the middle third. Ondrej Roman, perfect in the slot, immediately dashed all Basque hopes if there was any (5-1 at 22’01), Tomasino and his phenomenal burst of speed extended the lead with a good feint on Robson (6-1 at 26’40). Annoyed, the visiting goalkeeper then made a double uppercut, glove and shield, in Boivin’s face, under the eyes of coach Ernecq, who didn’t sanction the shots (27’15). Shouldn’t players’ physical integrity be protected? The scandal was disguised by another whistle artist, M.Gremion, another prodigal son of M.Furet, no doubt. Spread the word, aggression seems to be tolerated in the Magnus League now. It’s not just Mathew Robson’s slaps that get lost… Joris Bedin would have calmed down the attacker. The winger, thanks to a good check forward from his line, pushed Hormadi towards dishonor (7-1 in the 37’48 minute).

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Anglet didn’t come back with a vengeful attitude in the last period, however after the eighth goal of the Dragons (Guimond 8-1 at 45’34), the Basques managed their second power play perfectly (Ranger 8-2 at 48’57 ). The five-man attack is probably the only positive point for Péchalat’s visitors to remember.

Then followed the point of honor of the Rouennais to offer the ten to their audience. Loïc Lampérier on the rebound in traffic (9-2 at 51’26) and hands, and what hands (!) by Beauchemin (10-2 at 52’22).

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This win puts some cheer in the hearts of the crowd after the Dragons’ last two “average” performances at Lacroix Island. Perhaps it is quite the opposite for the Basque Country club, which this evening saw the black man and will receive, before the New Year, the red lantern, Briançon. Rouen will try not to ruin this solid success in Bordeaux (5th) to close 2022 well.

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Rouen vs Anglet: 10-2 (4-1 3-0, 3-1)

Tuesday 27 December 2022 at 20:00, at the Nathalie Pechalat skating rink in the Guy Boissière sports centre.

Referees: Mr. Gremion and Ernecq assisted by MM. Laboulais and Thiebault.

Penalties: Rouen 6′ (2′, 0′, 4′); Angle 8′ (6′, 0′, 2′)

Throws: Rouen 53 (16, 18, 19); Angle 33 (13, 8, 12)

Superiority: Rouen 2/4, Anglet 2/3

Score evolution:

1-0 at 03’50 Boivin assisted by Maïa and Deberge

2-0 at 05’06 Tessier assisted by Vigners and Lampérier

2-1 at 07’24 Dame-Malka assisted by Schmitt and Vasilyev (top number)

3-1 at 09’33 Boivin assisted by Lampérier and Beauchemin (top number)

4-1 at 12’06 Lampérine assisted by Elorinne and Tessier

5-1 at 22’01 Romano assisted by Vigners and Guimond

6-1 at 26’40 Tomasino assisted by Bedin and Maïa

7-1 at 37’48 Bedin assisted by Tomasino and Dodero

8-1 at 45’34 Guimond assisted by Beauchemin and Mallet

8-2 at 48’57 Ranger assisted by Decock and Larroque (upper num.)

9-2 at 51’26 Lampérier assisted by Vigners and Tessier

10-2 at 52’22 Beauchemin assisted by Boivin and Lampérier (upper number)



Christophe Boivin – Valentin Claireaux – Bastien Maïa

Francois Beauchemin – Ondrej Roman – Alexandre Mallet

Loïc Lampérier (C) – Kelsey Tessier (A) – Rolands Vigners

Joris Bedin – Vincent Nesa – Quentin Tomasino


Florian Chakiachvili (A) – Aleksi Elorinne

Hugo Debergè-Charlie Dodero

Sacha Guimond – Noa Goncalves Nivelais

Goalkeeper: Tonin Caubet (31 saves)

Substitution: Matija Pintaric (G)

Absents: Dylan Yeo, Enzo Cantagallo and Kaylian Leborgne (injured), Ulysse Tournier and Yohann Alzon (?)



Victor Ranger – Alexei Polodyan – Anton Vasiliev

Thomas Decock (C) – Austin Glover – Fabien Kazarine

Hugo Baron – Nicolas Arrossamena (LA) – Lionel Tarantino (LA)

Bastien Zago – Robin Lamboley – Théo Larroque


Michael Gutwald-Arthur Larroque

Olivier Dame-Malka-Charles Schmitt

Mathieu Pons – Baptiste Manciot


Mathew Robson (43 saves)

Substitutions: Julien Gaubert (G).

Absent: Théo Fremond, Matyas Zelingr and Alexander Nikulin

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