Home » today » World » Rostov Cartridge Plant to Purchase Chinese Tank 500 vehicles for Premium Class

Rostov Cartridge Plant to Purchase Chinese Tank 500 vehicles for Premium Class

As follows from the government procurement portal, the Rostov Cartridge Plant decided to purchase Chinese Tank 500 vehicles, which belong to the premium class. We’re talking about new cars… TBC in the publication of Rostovgazeta.

In total, the company intends to purchase three cars worth 6.9 million rubles each. The application also contains technical specifications – the vehicles should be produced in 2023.

The deadline for fulfilling contractual obligations is 60 days from the date of conclusion of the agreement. The final cost includes 100% of the supplier’s costs.

The application also specifies the necessary options and systems – for example, lane departure warning with a lane return and lane keeping function.

2023-10-19 11:17:00
#Chinese #tanks #heading #Rostov #Cartridge #Plant #EADaily

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