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Ross, a lawyer with experience in public communication management – Télam

The future Secretary of Communication and Press, Juan Ross, until now served as national director of Official Advertising, a position in which he had been appointed on January 30, 2020 with an administrative decision from the Chief of Staff.

Ross is an administrative lawyer born in Gualeguaych, Entre Ros, with experience in public communication management who had worked in the Media Secretariat during Kirchnerism, both with Enrique Albistur during the government of Nstor Kirchner, and with Alfredo Scoccimarro in the management of Cristina Fernndez.

Before that, it had passed through the Federal Broadcasting Committee (Comfer), the regulatory body that after the enactment of the Audiovisual Communication Services Law became Afsca and that, finally, with the start of the Cambiemos administration, became the Enacom (upon unification of Afsca with the National Communications Commission, CNC).

Ross, who held various roles in the management and planning of government communication, also had directing responsibility in the Public Media System when Alberto Fernndez became Chief of Cabinet, also in the Kirchnerist stage.

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