Home » today » News » Rose Monday Parades: Politicians’ Satirical Wagon Costumes and Düsseldorf Float Builder’s International Impact

Rose Monday Parades: Politicians’ Satirical Wagon Costumes and Düsseldorf Float Builder’s International Impact

Cologne/Düsseldorf/Mainz (dpa) – The street carnival reaches its climax on Monday with the Rose Monday parades. While the fools had to contend with constant rain on Weiberfastnacht, the weather forecast for Monday is at least a little better: large amounts of rain are not expected, the German Weather Service said.

The politicians of the traffic light coalition can take comfort in the fact that on this day they are finally “larger than life” – larger than life. As slightly swaying cardboard mates, they glide past cheering crowds on the satirical wagon. Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) suffers a shipwreck in Mainz as a one-eyed captain with an eye patch, Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (Greens) behaves like a bull in a china shop in Cologne because she occasionally expresses her opinion to autocrats, and Finance Minister Christian Lindner ( FDP) acts – also in Cologne – as a piggy bank, a perhaps not entirely brand new idea. Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Greens) appears in Mainz as Flying Robert, remembering the character from “Struwwelpeter” because he is losing his grip on the ground with his heating law, while in Cologne he is pushing his party colleague Ricarda Lang on an “arbitrary ride”.

As always, the people of Düsseldorf have not yet revealed their motives. Their float builder, Jacques Tilly, is the best-known German carnival float designer, whose figures are even requested from abroad. His designs have already been carried by demonstrators in Rome and London at rallies against the Catholic Church and Brexit.

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2024-02-12 04:32:10
#Larger #life #traffic #light #politicians #dominate #Rose #Monday #parades

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