Home » today » News » Rosario Sasieta defends Pamela López after full video of aggressive altercation with Christian Cueva leaked

Rosario Sasieta defends Pamela López after full video of aggressive altercation with Christian Cueva leaked

Pamela López’s lawyer speaks out after the full video of the fight between Cueva and her client was leaked. América Hoy

In the midst of the complicated legal conflict facing Christian Cueva y Pamela Lopeznew images have come to light, revealing in greater detail an episode of violence that occurred in a building in Trujillo. It should be remembered that the footballer’s still wife filed a lawsuit for domestic violence against the player of the Scientific Clubclaiming that she has suffered physical and psychological abuse throughout their 12-year relationship.

In an interview with the program ‘America Today’, Issued on August 19, Pamela Lopez shared her raw experience, describing the episodes of violence that she claims to have suffered from the father of her children. This testimony was strengthened through a press conference, where she presented images from February 31, 2024. In this material, you can see Christian Cueva, Apparently under the influence of alcohol, he attacked his then partner in an elevator and in the reception area of ​​the building where they live.

According to Lopez, Cueva’s backlash was triggered after she confronted him about his relationship with Pamela Franco“He was suffocating me, covering my mouth and nose, strangling me by the neck,” the woman said, adding that Cueva hit her again in June, during her birthday celebration at a nightclub.

New images of the violent episode starring Christian Cueva and Pamela López | X/justicierope

After these strong statements, social networks were quick to explode with indignation from users, who after seeing these images, demanded the immediate departure of Christian Cueva of the Scientific ClubThey also asked for an exemplary punishment to be imposed.

However, this is a chapter that is just being written in the life of the former couple, because after Pamela Lopez presented this evidence, new material was leaked on social media, taking an even more serious turn.

The new images show more clearly the altercation in the building’s reception area. Pamela López can be seen approaching the doorman to ask him for something in an angry manner. Suddenly, Christian Cueva abruptly interrupts her, pushing her. “Don’t push me because there are cameras here, don’t push me!” Pamela can be heard saying loudly.

Far from stoppingthe footballer pushes his wife again and heads towards the goalkeeperapparently to receive the keys to the property. The situation becomes tense when Pamela, visibly upset, He responded by slapping the footballer’s body and face, shouting that everything was being recorded by security cameras.The scene ends with the exit of Christian Cueva of the place, while Pamela remains crying at the entrance of the building.

Pamela López’s lawyer speaks out on the full video where she is seen raising Christian Cueva’s hand. Composition infobae Peru

This new material provoked a reaction from social media users, who pointed out that “it is the two of them who are attacking each other.” These words annoyed Rosario Sasieta, lawyer of Pamela Lopez, making it clear that Pamela Lopez is the victim of Christian Cueva is the aggressor.

“This video is out of context, because first of all, it is a sequence of several video extracts. The first sequence, when Mr. Cueva is sitting in his room putting on his earrings and she complains to him. He wrote me today how the sequence was. Second, when they appear in this sequence (fighting in reception), he had hit her in the elevator and they both leave. The elevator video, (where he pulls her hair), is the third. He comes back twice,” explained Rosario Sasieta, pointing out that before the violent altercation, Christian had already raised his hand to her.

“So, The aggressor cannot be a victim,” Rosario Sasieta stressed.claiming that it was Christian Cueva who started the attacks and Pamela Lopez He only tried to defend himself in full view of the janitor.

Regarding this witness (the goalkeeper) who stood by doing nothing while the footballer attacked the mother of his children, the lawyer Pamela Lopez He said that this attitude was an example of “the apathy of some men who believe it is normal, and it is not normal.”

“If he did not do it (defend her), it is because he understands that it is a personal matter,” said Rosario Sasieta, who suggested the possibility that it was the environment of Christian Cueva who leaked the full video of the attack. “A serious mistake,” he said.

Cienciano president called Pamela Lopez after denouncing Christian Cueva | America Today – America TV

Christian Cueva He issued a statement in which he said he was not an abuser. He also said his reaction was a response to an action.

“Violence is inexcusable and my conduct, although not spontaneous but in response, is also inexcusable,” were the athlete’s words.

“I have been accused of many bad things, defects that I surely have and now I am accused of being an abuser and I do not believe I am. I know that I have a complex personality that goes beyond what can be seen of me and I will take responsibility for my actions, which does not mean that I will stop defending myself and seeking to clarify, before the authorities, those events that have not been reported in the way they occurred or that simply did not occur. For all this, For what happened, what happened differently and even for what didn’t happen, I ask for forgiveness.“, he said.

Christian Cueva issued a statement in response to allegations of domestic violence filed by his ex-partner, Pamela López.

Help channels

If you are a victim of violence against women or domestic violence, there are several channels of help available. Line 100a free and confidential service, operates 24 hours a day in Quechua, Aymara and Spanish, offering guidance, counselling and emotional support.

In addition, the Women’s Emergency Centers (CEM) They provide comprehensive care, including legal advice and emotional support, throughout the country from Monday to Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. The CEMs in police stations are available 24 hours a day. You can obtain more information by calling (01) 419 7260.

He Emergency Care Service (SAU)) also offers immediate support, facilitating access to justice and protection. Chat 100 also provides psychological guidance for situations of risk or violence in relationships of love or dating.

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