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Rosalinda Cannavò: “I have nothing to hide” – Big Brother VIP

The mystery surrounding the ticket of Beautiful rose per Zenga continues and the actress, after the confessions of Samantha e Andrea, he decides to take the argument at the table underlining the friendly mold of his words.

The young woman, in fact, during dinner, explains that she had heard of the allusions made by some roommates about her message and Tommaso, feeling called into question, takes the floor justifying himself: “I found it like this and I read it, I felt compelled to investigate”.

The whole party bursts out laughing in front of the harangue of the influencer who amused adds: “I was hoping I had found a gossip” while Rosalinda replies by teasing him: “The second part you will never know! You are very good at making castles in the air” e Stefania surprised by the young woman’s reaction she exclaims: “I would propose a toast, without you there would be no dynamics”.

But Thomas later explains how Dayane knew from before the ticket in the bathroom: “He told me he had already seen it” while the model says she noticed the letter and left it in plain sight thinking it was thrown by Zenga: “I thought he threw it away and seeing it he would take it back”.

Rosalinda does not seem to believe the model’s version and immediately presses her hard: “You could have come and talk to me and not leave her there! You went to rummage in the trash … I have nothing to hide” while Thomas amused by the background exclaims: “Guys but Dayane is the evil genius!”.

The contestants all appear very surprised by the development of the story and Stefania, trying to reassure the young woman, says: “I’m shocked by all this … but you don’t have to worry you made a nice gesture, we joked” and with a still amazed face he adds: “Of course she left her there hoping someone would find her”.

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