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Rosa Di Grazia in Ischia, with her a former tronista of Men and Women: the revealing images

The dancer launched by Amici di Maria De Filippi left for Ischia: at the moment it is too early to say no to any flirtation hypotheses, but with her there would also be the former tronista Alessandro Zarino. The stories of the two, in fact, present surprising similarities revealing that the two were in the same restaurant and on the same boat.

The world of the Italian showbiz has two certainties. Number one: in the summer, the flirtations between VIPs are unleashed and new gossip is on the agenda, even in times of pandemic. Number two: Maria De Filippi’s universe is made up of interconnected worlds, a bit like Marvel movies. At the moment we can not say too much on the hypotheses, but it seems that the dancer from Amici Rose Of Grace both on holiday in Ischia with a former tronista of Men and Women, as well as a former single of Temptation Island. It’s a matter of Alessandro Zarino.

Rosa and Alessandro Zarino in the same restaurant and on the same boat

The first to notice this connection were the colleagues of Novella 2000: it is too early to understand what the relationship between the two is, but actually Rosa and Alessandro’s Instagram Stories present undeniable similarities. At about the same time, both she and Zarino published a very short video from the same table in the same restaurant in Ischia (the chairs and the view are unmistakable). And that’s not all, because a few hours later they both turned out on the same yacht: once again, the furnishings of the boat leave no room for doubt, confirmed by the plant in the background which identifies the same mooring point.

Between Rosa Di Grazia and Deddy it is over for some time

Obviously, it is not known if Rosa and Alessandro are dating or if there were other friends with them. In the short films you do not see a soul, but only objects and locations that “betray” the fact that the two were in the same places. To Friends, Rosa had bonded with Deddy, but outside the talent show the story did not take off. She had explained it herself in mid-June, after a period of silence: “The story between us, outside, did not have a new beginning as I would have imagined and hoped for“.

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Who is Alessandro Zarino

Zarino at the time of the story with Veronica Burchielli

Zarino at the time of the story with Veronica Burchielli

Like Rosa Di Grazia, originally from Naples even though she later moved to the province of Rome with her family, Alessandro Zarino also comes from the Campania capital. Born in 1991, he lived in Australia and divides himself between fitness and fashion. In addition to her international modeling career, she found stardom on television first at Temptation Island 2019, where she flirted with Jessica Battistello. Then, he was the protagonist of a very particular path to Men and Women. Tronista in the 2019-20 season, he had chosen Veronica Burchiello, receiving a “no” from the suitor, who suspected a convenient choice. “Don’t care, be a tronista“was the proposal of Maria De Filippi to Veronica who had accepted in record time, only to decide to abandon the throne and join Zarino. Their dating ended after 5 months.

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