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Roques. Blood donation … Donors are still mobilized

Wednesday 7 September, at the town hall of Roques, organized by the EFS (French Blood Establishment) and the ADSB (Association for Volunteer Blood Donation), created in 2021, on the initiative of Marie Canut, president, with the support of the mayors of the municipalities of Roquettes and Roques, Mr. Capdecomme and S. Mabire, a blood campaign took place.

As for the ADSB, the team is made up of 8 volunteers; she took care of the logistics, the promotion of the event in the city and its surroundings, the reception of donors and the management of snacks.

The EFS, the medical body responsible for sampling, was made up of 7 nurses, 2 doctors, 1 secretary and a driver.

The town hall was kindly made available by the municipality of Roques; Municipal agents are also mobilized.

Marie Canut is delighted with the results of this collection.

“65 donors showed up, 54 blood bags were collected and we are registering 12 new donors. This is a very good result; the mobilization has been very satisfying; there is a form of personal responsibility.

Donating blood costs nothing; it just takes time and saves lives. Today nothing can replace blood; there is no other replacement product.

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