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Ronnie Moas refused to fulfill the terms of the $ 28,000 Bitcoin bet by early 2020

Between the founder of Standpoint Research investment firm Ronnie Moas and the head of Civic startup Winnie Lingham, a conflict broke out over a bet about the price of bitcoin.

In November 2018 Lingham accepted the challenge of Moas and bet $ 20,000 that the price of bitcoin will not exceed the $ 28,000 mark until December 31, 2019. The loser was supposed to donate funds to FreeRoss.org. The latter is involved in legal support for Silk Road founder Ross Ulbricht, who is serving a life sentence in the Federal Prison of Fremont County in Colorado.

On the first day of the new year, Lingham reminded Moas that bitcoin had not reached $ 28,000 and asked to publish payment details in favor of the organization.

Moas evasively replied that Lingham profited from investors in the Civic project, whose tokens lost a significant part of the value, and emphasized that he was ready to allocate $ 20,000 only to organizations on the Philanthropy & Philosophy website.

After that, Lingham wrote that Moas is evading, so as not to fulfill the conditions of the bet, which is recorded on the video.

“You damn bastard … I do not refuse to comply with the terms of the bet. Perhaps you need reading glasses … and return the money to your scam investors. Since December 2017, it has dipped 99%. How much did you earn on Civic? ”– Moas burst out in tirade.

Twitter observers have expressed clear dissatisfaction with the behavior of the loser and his attempts to “turn the arrows”.

One of the users called Moas a scammer, giving out paid tips on issues in which he is poorly oriented.

Recall in November Ronnie Moas expressed an opinionthat due to low inflation, the price of bitcoin is able to double in about six months.

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