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Ronaldo’s Luxury Hotel in Marrakech Offers Shelter After Earthquake


5 hours ago,
Update 2 hours ago

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Many hotels in Marrakech are opening their doors after the earthquake that hit the country, including Cristiano Ronaldo’s luxury hotel.

During the night from Saturday to Sunday, the earthquake’s toll of 6.8 on the Richter scalewhich struck Friday evening and whose epicenter was southwest of Marrakech, exceeded 2,000 deaths. As reported by the Spanish daily Brand many establishments served as shelter for survivors in the Moroccan city, including the four-star hotel owned by soccer star Cristiano Ronaldo.

The Pestana CR7 hotel, located slightly west of the city center, welcomed several people including a Spanish woman who spoke on the 24 Horas channel. “We managed to get to Cristiano Ronaldo’s hotel to get a room, says the young woman. We spent the night on the street and at 7am they told us we could come closer.»

We found ourselves in the hall with people of different nationalities“, she continues. Four-star hotel, the establishment opened its doors in Marrakech in March 2022in the heart of M Avenue. It is the result of the ociation between the Portuguese footballer, player of Al-Nr (Saudi Arabia) whose fortune is estimated at more than a billion euros, and the Portuguese group Pestana.

SEE ALSO – Cristiano Ronaldo in September 2023: “Whoever loves me must not hate Messi»

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2023-09-10 13:17:54
#Cristiano #Ronaldo #transforms #hotel #refuge

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