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Ronaldo injury: post Lazio fury, that’s what he told Pirlo. Portugal will manage it like this

Cristiano Ronaldo is back in the national team and is ready to take the field. This is what filters from the retirement of the Portuguese selection, where they tell of a CR7 ready to restart, because despite the blow to the ankle remedied in the match against Lazio he is fine. Watching Felipe Caicedo’s equalizer at the last second from the bench hurt him, even more than the blow itself. He exited 14 ‘from the end of the race due to the ankle problem, he scared everyone a bit, but the fear did not last long. As we told you yesterday, Ronaldo has regularly reached the retirement of Portugal and is doing well.

THE MANAGEMENT – It is unlikely that he will take the field tomorrow for the friendly against Andorra, but against France and Croatia for the Nations League matches there will behe explains Tuttosport. Juventus has already had to do without him because of the Coronavirus, just returning from the last national break, but in the next tour de force until Christmas they will have to have him at their best. A month of fire, in which the first part of the season is played and also an important piece of the Scudetto and Champions ambitions. The anger in the body after Lazio was great. Disposed and to be disposed of like the sprained ankle, confessed to Pirlo on the sidelines. On Sunday evening, the information on Cristiano Ronaldo’s condition came very quickly: Portugal’s health manager Paulo Beckert promptly contacted CR7, who reassured him. So no alarm went off, so he left. With Juve waiting for him in good shape on his return to Turin.

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