Home » today » Entertainment » Romina and Albano, in Cellino she understands that it’s really over and cries during an evening with friends in front of everyone, there is also a video – Baritalia News

Romina and Albano, in Cellino she understands that it’s really over and cries during an evening with friends in front of everyone, there is also a video – Baritalia News

Romina Power and Albano they have been separated for many years but the dream of seeing them still together as they once were, happy and united still gives their fans hope. Despite Albano on this point he was very clear and explained that now his life is elsewhere, with Loredana Lecciso next door, a bit ‘all those who have loved the couple Albano Romina, especially since it was formed they still hope because sometimes there are such calming signals that hope is rekindled.

Albano and Romina have recovered a peaceful relationship

After years of battles, even in court, of offenses, of mutual accusations also related to the disappearance of the eldest daughter Ylenia, today Albano and Romina they managed to regain a serenity and a civilization in the relationship that has also led them around the world to do concerts with their most beautiful songs and with those that saw them in love on stage.

Romina and Albano if they are back together it is only from a working point of view but when Romina, during the interviews she says that formally she is still Albano’s wife, people hope that this is really the case in every sense.

Romina in Cellino during an evening with friends cries thinking about the past with Albano

A few nights ago Romina and her son Yari were a Cellino and they were having a wonderful evening with friends, singing on the guitar and having dinner.

Among the friends there was also the great Mogul who sang along with everyone present, while Yari he played with the guitar, “My free song”, however, before singing it and making it sing, he wanted to explain it and told everyone present how that song was born.

Hearing the explanation, Romina she couldn’t help but think about her past with Albano and to the final word “Fine” they are about to start as a couple if Albano carries on his idea, of which he seems very convinced, of marrying Loredana Lecciso.

Romina, hearing the meaning of the song and thinking about her and about Albano she was unable to hold back her tears and was moved in front of everyone present and al son Yari who was in the company of his girlfriend. The children are well aware, however, of their mother’s state of mind and of how much she is still tied to her ex-husband. So that Yari is opposing the marriage between the father and

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