Jakarta, Insertlive –
A loving couple caused a stir among residents after they were found dead in a hotel in the Ciputat area of South Tangerang on Tuesday (3/1).
The couple who were found dead were named Reynaldi Agustinus and Tri Putri Napitupulu.
Police suspect the couple died by suicide. Not only that, the police also found a number of pieces of evidence at the scene of the accident.
The bodies of the two victims were initially found by witnesses who were cleaning the hotel where the accident took place.
The witness who intended to clean the hotel room at 12.00 WIB, was immediately shocked when he found two bodies.
“Housekeeping intends to inform the tenants of rooms No. 8-52 by knocking on the door, but they get no response from whoever is in the room,” Polda Metro Jaya Kombes public relations chief Endra Zulpan said on Wednesday (4/ 1).
The witness then tried to open the room using a duplicate key as there was no response from the occupants inside.
The witness invited colleagues to open the door of the room and enter.
“And when opened by the two witnesses he saw a couple of bodies lying on the bed,” Zulpan said.
The two witnesses then took the initiative to report the discovery of the body to the hotel manager and security.
The hotel then reported the couple’s bodies found to the police.
Police also found a number of pieces of evidence at the location where the couple’s bodies were found.
Some of the evidence found by police included two envelopes, a package of suspected potash and a wallet.
The two envelopes found would have been addressed to each of the families of the victims.
The results of the interim examinations stated that there were no signs of violence on the bodies of the two victims.
Linked to the suspicion that the two victims committed suicide, because it refers to the discovery of potassium chloride which is a type of poisonous drug.
Even so, Zulpan could not confirm that the two victims’ cause of death was suicide.
Zulpan also said that the case is currently still under police investigation.
“(Suspected suicide) is still under investigation,” he concluded.