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Rome, fans chase and threaten Nicolò Zaniolo – Calcio

After the insults and protest banners against Nicolò Zaniolo, the tension around the Roma player rises to critical levels, who has asked to leave. The footballer was the involuntary protagonist of an unfortunate accident: some Roma fans, after recognizing him, chased him by car near Casal Palocco and once they reached him they heavily insulted him and threatened him, even with death, from the car. So much fear for the Giallorossi attacking midfielder who also asked for the intervention of the police. In the meantime, another banner was posted in Trigoria during the night. “Away from Trigoria men of little importance, cowards and profiteers … Unconditional support only for those who respect our colours!” is the text signed ‘ROMA’, one of the main groups of the Curva Sud. A total of about fifteen people showed up, after midnight, at the home of the Roma player in the Casal Palocco area. The team manager of the Giallorossi club alerted 112. Investigations are underway by the police to trace and identify the perpetrators of the blitz.

“Having originated all this hatred seems a little excessive to me”: wrote Francesca Costa, Zaniolo’s mother, in an Instagram story then deleted after a few minutes and in which he reported with photos the insults against him and his son that appeared on the walls outside the Roma sports center in Trigoria. “No words are needed, just so much pain for you”. It is the comment on the social networks of Zaniolo’s sister, Benedetta, who has published an Instagram story in which she reports the banners against her brother and the insults and threats that have been addressed to her and her family in recent days. No comment has arrived from Rome for the moment, but the club condemns any act of violence against its player.

The Giallorossi club has provided maximum support to its playerAfter contacting him to make sure of his safety, it was the team manager who called 112 for police intervention to prevent the situation from escalating. For the moment, however, no official comment is expected from the Giallorossi club which condemns any form of possible violence against its player.

After the threats, the footballer did not go to Trigoria due to the resumption of training scheduled by José Mourinho. A choice agreed with the club given these last hours of the transfer market.

Given the recent absences, the request to leave and not to play the last few games with the team, also given the unavailability to train with his teammates, Roma have decided, at the will of the Friedkins, to exclude Zaniolo from their technical project. The footballer, the club explains, is not out of the squad for now, but in the coming days, disciplinary measures will be taken by the club which will tell whether or not he will be able to train with the rest of the team. In addition, the property will sell the player only if the offer presented by Bournemouth is equal, assuming the risk of a block against until the contract expires in 2024

Other farewell signals in the history between Nicolò and the Giallorossi club come via social media, because iThe footballer deleted the words “Football Player As Roma” from his Instagram bio who had been present since the day of his arrival in the capital, replacing it with a simple “athlete”. Yet another proof of a story now over.

In the meantime, Zaniolo has decided to leave Rome to return to La Spezia, where the player is at home. ANSA learns it from sources close to the footballer. The decision to temporarily leave the capital has the purpose of allowing the player to find peace of mind while news regarding his future is awaited from the transfer market.

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