It is possible that next week we will reach a new record in the wave of flu and viruses, doctors warn us. Dr. Sorin Eşanu, Obstetrics and Gynecology doctor at the Polizu Maternity Hospital in Bucharest, spoke about prevention and treatment methods, especially in the case of pregnant women or those who are breastfeeding.
“The first thing, at the first signs of respiratory symptoms, when we have a cold, whether it’s the flu, whether it’s COVID, whether it’s the respiratory syncytial virus, the pregnant woman, lauza, must go to the doctor, because antiviral treatment exists, it’s available at the moment but must be started very early.
But, above all, let’s not forget about prevention, because it is essential, especially now, when we are in the midst of a flu epidemic. The new COVID is still circulating, there is also the respiratory syncytial virus. There are currently, unfortunately, cases of double infection or even triple infection. Prevention is key.
The first step of prevention is obviously vaccination. There is the flu vaccine and the COVID vaccine. Including the new version of the vaccine has also arrived in our country for the respiratory syncytial virus. Let’s hope that next year we will have a vaccine that can be given to pregnant women.
And first of all, avoiding crowds and wearing a protective mask, which is not a universal panacea, but manages to reduce the risks of infection with these respiratory viruses that are very dangerous for pregnant women.
Let’s not forget that last year maternal mortality increased tremendously in Romania, with an explosion of COVID cases in pregnant women that I don’t think is a simple random association. Once again we return to prevention.
“Those who have a balanced diet do not need supplements”
Supplements are very important for women who have unbalanced diets due to certain conditions, for example due to severe food allergies, and are forced to eat a balanced diet.
A female consumer who has a balanced diet basically does not need supplements. During pregnancy, only iron and vitamin D supplementation is necessary, which succeeds in bringing everything that the usual, balanced diet cannot.
But as far as the prevention of viral cases is concerned, we are currently still deficient, because in Romania there are less than 180,000 pregnant women, 180,000 births per year, which represents less than 1% of the country’s population, less than 2 % of the active population of the country and still pregnant women go to work, go in crowds, go on public transport.
At the current time, for example, telework that has been generalized so far could remain a rule for pregnant women in the future,” said Dr. Sorin Eşanu, Obstetrics and Gynecology doctor at the Polizu Maternity Hospital in Bucharest to Antena 3 CNN.