At one time, the leader of the popular “Davidshow”, fashion artist Roman Andreev is coming up with a new show “Token for Dare”, which will be available on the Internet platform “YouTube”. Various public figures will reveal never-before-heard facts about themselves, as well as take part in fun challenges.
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In the new show, Dāvids will play “Truth or Risk” with the guests – during the conversation, the guests will have to answer various questions, openly talking about their experiences, however, if the guest does not want to answer any of the questions, he will have to fulfill a challenge.
The audience will be able to hear facts about the life style, relationships, and fashion of the guests of the show, and sometimes Dāvids will ask the guests spicy questions or ask them about current topics in Latvia. The fashion artist will be helped by the artificial intelligence robot Eevee to run the show.
The guest of the first episode of the show is the well-known multi-artist Kaspars Blum-Blumanis jeb Kasher. During the conversation, Kaspars openly talks about his childhood and relationship with his parents, the experience and feelings of the “Okarte stage”, becoming recognizable, fashion, future plans, and also answered Dāvid’s spicy questions about Kaspar’s relationship with his husband, fitness trainer Jānis Minin, the situation with his home country influencer and entrepreneur Elina Didrichson and Kaspar brand “Kasher Bloom”.
During the conversation with David, Kasher also revealed hitherto unknown facts about his life: “Let’s say this – my first love was a girl, and for five years I loved her very, very much, but…”.
During the conversation, Kaspar was also able to complete all three challenges.
Fashion artist David says that the show “Token for Dare” will not be like others: “This will be a show where guests have a good time and maybe discover a side of themselves unknown to others. The concept of the show allows viewers not only to have fun, but to get to know domestic celebrities from a completely different point of view, giving them the opportunity to openly tell about themselves.”
It will be possible to watch the show “Token for Dare” on the YouTube channel “Token for Dare with David”. Episodes of the show will reach viewers once in two weeks.
Dāvids has created more than 50 clothing collections, won several international awards, created an individual style for both private individuals and leading Latvian companies. Participated in several television projects and theater performances. The fashion artist describes the show as full of open conversation, black humor and interesting challenges and entertaining.