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Roma beat Frosinone 2-0, Lukaku and Pellegrini scored – Il Tempo

ROME (ITALPRESS) – With a goal from Lukaku, a seal from Pellegrini and two assists from Dybala, Roma beat former Eusebio Di Francesco’s Frosinone 2-0 and regained victory. At the Olimpico, Mourinho’s team does not fully convince in terms of play but, after the heavy defeat against Genoa, they rise to eight in the standings. However, Frosinone’s five-match unbeaten run is interrupted.
The Ciociari have the first opportunity. In the 17th minute Soulè catches Cuni who sprints behind the defense and leaps past Rui Patricio: the shot from a tight angle, however, is imprecise. A mistake that weighs heavily, because five minutes later Roma build the lead with their two stars in attack: Dybala catches Lukaku in the area, who gets rid of two opponents and beats Turati with his left foot. In the 26th minute Cuni has another chance: Soulè rewards his cut, but the Albanian striker from the Bayern school shoots high with his right foot. Roma struggled to organize coordinated pressure and relied more than anything on the technical mistakes of the Ciociari. In the 30th minute Pellegrini steals the ball and serves Lukaku: the Belgian unloads a powerful right foot but Turati blocks with his fists.
In the 57th minute Roma came close to 2-0. Dybala enters the area, jumps on the sideline to Okoli and passes to Lukaku with Monterisi risking an own goal in an attempt to deflect it for a corner. In the 59th minute the Argentine pots in for the insertion of Bove, but Turati comes out and blocks the way for the class of 2002. Lukaku also tries shortly afterwards, but the Belgian’s shot from the right is very high. Same outcome also for a shot by Bove from twenty-five meters following a free kick from Dybala. The Argentine’s attempt with his second assist of the day was postponed until the 83rd minute. From his cross from a free kick, Pellegrini emerges and scores the final 2-0 on the volley. In the end, tiredness makes itself felt. And the referee Marchetti also has cramps. Eight minutes of injury time but the result no longer changes.
– foto LivePhotoSport –

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