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Roller Skating Police and Islamic Rules in Afghanistan

It is quite unusual to see people trying to restore order in the country according to a strict interpretation of Islamic teachings and essentially medieval virtues, banning many things common to modern people, such as music, video games, foreign films, women’s sports and women’s secondary and higher education, on the means of transportation typical of today’s youth. .

Equipping the fighters of the Public Security Department of the Ministry of Interior of Afghanistan with roller skates has taken place taking into account the practice of neighboring Pakistan, where a unit of 20 armed roller skaters was established in the country’s largest city Karachi in 2021, justifying such an innovation with the need to combat street crime more effectively. True, such units could not operate in all parts of the city due to poor street coverage.

Such mobile police units are also used elsewhere in the world, for example in Paris, where a special unit of roller-skating police officers will also provide security during the Olympic and Paralympic Games scheduled for next year.

Last year, the Taliban surprised the world by showing even their own supercar, the Mada 9, developed by a group of engineers from the ENTOP company and the Kabul Technical Vocational Institute (ATVI).

2023-11-17 16:50:00
#VIDEO #combine #Middle #Ages #21st #century #Taliban #demonstrate

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