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Roig confirms that Maduro will decree a salary increase in the coming days

Right now the salary is going like the Twingo and inflation like the Ferrari. The former president of Fedecámaras and member of the Administrative Council of the International Labor Organization, Jorge Roig, confirmed this Monday that during the next few days, the Administration of Nicolás Maduro will decree a salary increase.

Roig explained that he cannot reveal the amount because it is confidential, but ruled out that it is 500 dollars, the approximate amount of the basic food basket.

Despite the fact that for months, public sector employees have remained on the street to demand a minimum wage in dollars that serves to cover the cost of the basic basket that is close to 500 dollars, Roig ruled out that this is possible.

In an interview with Circuito Onda, he said that the minimum wage according to the Constitution should be a referential amount for the food basket, about 500 dollars. But “it must be said that it is not possible. It would be desirable, wonderful that the worker receives at least something close, but it will be quite difficult.

In this regard, he recalled that in recent weeks there have been meetings of the tripartite technical committee with the ILO to discuss the methods to set the minimum wage. While he stressed “nobody can force the State to raise wages, but the ILO is telling them to discuss the methods, which is not an easy thing in a country with inflation of 500%.”

“There is not a human being prepared to discuss the situation in Venezuela, an equation with the current political situation, plus the social one, plus the economic one. Salaries in Venezuela go like the Twingo and inflation like the Ferrari », he joked when referring to Shakira’s song.

In his opinion, the most important thing is not the increase but how to maintain it. «How to stabilize the economy so that we have a sustainable salary scale over time? Today you can say that the minimum wage is $200, but tomorrow it will be nothing.

«Yes, the increase will be given, but I cannot anticipate how much for reasons of confidentiality. This is a discussion process that is underway and I am committed not to divulge it.”

For his part, the director of Datanálisis, José Antonio Gil Yépez, maintained that in the country neither the public nor the private sector have the possibility of paying a salary with which citizens can satisfy their needs.

2023-04-17 19:08:57

#Roig #confirms #Maduro #decree #salary #increase #coming #days

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