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Rogozin told how Roskosmos plans to compete with SpaceX

The head of Roskosmos Dmitry Rogozin in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda told how the state corporation is going to compete with the American company SpaceX Ilona Mask. Earlier, he said that the cost of rocket launches will decrease by a third.

According to Dmitry Rogozin, the entire space strategy of Russia “comes down to the struggle for efficiency and reliability.” This includes the desire to reduce costs, non-production costs, reduction of excess managerial personnel. The creation of the state corporation Roscosmos allowed “not only to restore the reliability of our equipment, but also to give an answer to competitors,” said Mr. Rogozin. He said that the cost of launches decreased by 39%, and the company managed to “maintain the attractiveness” of launch services for foreigners amid sanctions.

Dmitry Rogozin also said that Russia will be engaged in reusable rockets, while technologies other than SpaceX will be used: “The first is the transition to methane engines, which can be reused without reassembly and cleaning. The engine is the most expensive part of the rocket module, and you need to start with it. ” The head of Roscosmos noted that in Russia there are two projects related to reusable missiles.

In March 2019, Dmitry Rogozin announced that Roskosmos would reduce the cost of launching a Proton-M rocket so that it could compete with the Space X Falcon 9 launch vehicle. And in May 2019, the head of Roskosmos announced the imminent start of work on return rocket.

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