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Rogozin suggested printing money instead of frozen assets

Dmitry Rogozin proposes to give this new money to the industry, including the corporation headed by him.

Dmitry Rogozin, Director General of the Roscosmos State Corporation, proposed print money to replace those arrested abroad under the sanctions against the Russian Federation.

On Saturday, May 28, he said on the air of the propaganda TV channel “Russia 24”.

The new money, Rogozin believes, must be given to industry.

“Well, on the account of just these dollars – 350 billion – we can simply physically release our investment money. … I think it is possible … This money can be printed and given to industry precisely for the most powerful and most promising investment projects,” – said the head of Roscosmos.

According to Rogozin, if his corporation receives at least one trillion rubles from this amount, there will be “a sharp boost in all the most key programs.”

“… and the creation of a new promising manned system, and the creation of the Zeus project – a topic on which we have a seven-year head start in relation to the United States, this is a space nuclear tug. We have really advanced this work, we now do not have enough funds If these funds were available, we would immediately use such projects to push the concentration of intelligence, technology, industrial potential, which will unite at least the rocket and space industry and literally rush it forward, “says the head of Roskosmos.

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Recall that the countries of the European Union froze about 23 billion euros assets of the Central Bank of Russia. In addition, thanks to the sanctions, Russian billionaires have lost access to luxury yachts, real estate and other assets. worth almost 10 billion euros since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

As UNIAN reported, the previously odious head of Roscosmos Dmitry Rogozin considered the joke about “nuclear” strike across NATO countries.

In addition, he threatened Elon Musk for the transfer to Ukraine of stations for connecting to the Internet from Starlink.

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