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Rogers: China will become the most successful country in the 21st century, leaving many Chinese stocks for children – Wall Street News

“All countries will have problems in the development process, but China will be more successful. China has population, education and everything in between. But I can’t see other countries outside of China becoming the most successful development. country”.

Recently, Jim Rogers, a former partner of the “Quantum Fund”, said in an interview with The Paper that in the past 40 years no country has developed as rapidly, as strongly and as consistently as China. Each country will have problems in the development process, but China will be more successful. China has population, education and all conditions. But I don’t see any other countries outside of China that have become the most successful countries. possibility”.

Rogers once participated in the creation of the “Quantum Fund”, famous for investing in commodity futures. And his ties to China are very deep.

China will become the most successful country in the 21st century

Since opening an account on the Shanghai Stock Exchange to invest in B shares during his second global investment trip in 1999, Rogers has been investing in China for more than 20 years and has visited China many times over the past decade.

“When I first came to China in 1984, I learned that the Chinese are smart, hardworking, resourceful and thrifty,” Rogers said in the conversation. “I traveled to China for a while in the 1980s and realized that China would become the next world power, they will rise again, they will become powerful and I have been optimistic about China’s development ever since. Of course, nothing will develop in straight line and there will always be in the development process. problems. “

According to Rogers, the Chinese work hard, invest for the future and save a lot of money. And they have brains, they educate their children and they educate each other. “In my opinion, China will become the most successful country in the 21st century. China has a large population, has savings and investment, is focused on education and has a sufficient budget.” Rogers pointed out that China is growing by new and will become the next world power. , “I don’t see the possibility of countries other than China becoming the most successful country for the moment.”

Rogers has also mentioned more than once that he will leave his Chinese stocks to his children. In this interview with The Paper, he once again mentioned that his children will own a lot of Chinese stocks: “My idea is 50 years old. One day they’ll look at the stock market and say, ‘Look at these Chinese stocks! He (referring to Rogers ) is so smart! We’re rich! ‘”

“There is a word in Chinese that is ‘crisis’, and ‘crisis’ means that risks and opportunities coexist. When I saw a crisis and I saw a risk, I started thinking if I could find an opportunity in it.” Speaking of the logic of holding shares, Rogers pointed out that China’s tourism, transportation, aviation, agriculture and entertainment industries will have good opportunities.

Rogers specifically mentioned holding Chinese wine stocks: “Most foreigners didn’t drink wine in the beginning, but they are gradually starting to drink it now. This phenomenon is not only happening in the United States, but also in many countries, so I hold Chinese wine stocks.

China will be a technology leader in the future

At present, the Chinese economy has moved from a high-speed growth phase to a high-quality development phase, and is in a period of transformation of its development mode, optimization of its economic structure and transformation of its engines. of growth. In this process, China’s economic development faces new challenges and opportunities to accelerate technological development and promote industrial optimization and enhancement.

Rogers believes that China will become a technology leader in the future because China has trained many engineers, some of whom will become very large and successful engineers.

Speaking of Sino-US relations, Rogers described them as “unstable”. He believes that trade frictions should be limited, which is not good for either country, but it is bound to happen. Trade friction will make matters worse. The more problems the country has, the worse it gets.

Rogers said that when the United States started imposing tariffs and restrictions on China, China also had to act. These two countries are the largest trading nations in the world and when they start having problems, others will too. “If the Chinese economy slows, the US economy slows too, which leads to a slowdown in Japan, Germany and the world. When things go wrong in big economies, everyone suffers.”

According to Rogers, the next time economic problems arise, it will be the worst of his life. “There is a staggering debt all over the world. If we have another economic problem, it will be the worst globally in decades.”

When it comes to investment advice, Rogers said you should invest in what you know, don’t blindly listen to the opinions of others, and don’t blindly follow the internet or TV. Also, be careful with your investments and don’t worry about being too cautious to be successful. “Things will get more and more complicated in the future, so you have to have knowledge, you have to understand what’s going on in the world.”

Source of this article:The paperoriginal title: “Rogers: China will become the most successful country in the 21st century, leaving many Chinese titles for children”

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