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Rodríguez Zapatero: “Alberto Fernández represents the …

The former President of Spain José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero assured that the Argentine head of state, Alberto Fernández, is seen “with important respect” in the international community for what he has so far demonstrated in his seven months at the helm of the Casa Rosada, and stressed that “Represents the great hope for Latin America”.

“It is very difficult that in an economic and debt crisis like the one Alberto Fernández assumed, to which the crisis due to the coronavirus pandemic was immediately added, he has the credibility he has and generates the credibility that it generates. And what citizens value the most is because he is an honest, authentic and coherent man”, Praised the leader of the Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE).

“What I am most happy about is that this is the perception that is in the international political community”, this is how “the progressive government of Spain sees it, and it also enjoys significant respect in the United States, because it not only represents the great hope for Latin America and that global relationship, “said the former president.


In this sense, he said that one of the poles with which the role of “the Latin American progressives of this 21st century” could be measured is “for the commitment they have in favor of regional integration.” And he placed the Argentine president among the main ones.

During an interview with The blackboard, by AM 750, Rodríguez Zapatero he also defended the role of the State. In this regard, he stressed that the crisis unleashed by the coronavirus pandemic confirmed its importance, and also manifested itself “For” the creation of a tax on large fortunes.

One can be liberal or conservative, what one cannot deny is that the construction called the State and public services are the last and great guarantee of a society that wants to be called that ”, he defined.

“It should not be an excessive reproach to us that there are center-right governments intervening companies and helping with majority injections of capital, like Germany to Lufthansa“He exemplified.

He also spoke in favor of the creation of a tax on large fortunes, a measure that was applied in an extraordinary way in some countries to cover part of the expenses of the health systems saturated by the coronavirus pandemic, and whose debate in Argentina is postponed.

“I am in favor that the income tax is the one that produces more income and is more equitable, more redistributive”, said and opined that “the bands (percentage of collection) can be improved or expanded in times of crisis.”

Furthermore, he referred to the need to “build a global community” that it not only interact in terms of international trade. For him, “the process of internationalization, intercommunication, global relationship that exists is already unstoppable and inevitable” and therefore globalization away from the concept with which it was understood after the Cold War “is a challenge of historical scope that is going to take time ”.


Regarding the international economic crisis resulting from the pandemic, the socialist leader opined that “This time the European Union learned from the 2008 lesson and is reacting as an EU”, that is to say as a continental block.

There was also time for a ping-pong of questions and answers about characters of international relevance. Of the Argentine vice president Cristina Kirchner said she had “a kind memory”, highlighted the “moral commitment” of the former Bolivian president Evo Morales, and Argentine soccer player Lionel Messi described as “God”.

To the American President, Donald Trump, described it as “unusual”, King emeritus Juan Carlos He said he had “respect for coexistence” and was “indifferent” when referring to the writer and leader of the conservative right, Mario Vargas Llosa.

The complete interview with José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero with La Pizarra, on AM 750:


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