Home » today » Business » Rodolfo Hernández promises to donate his salary if he becomes president – ​​Publimetro Colombia

Rodolfo Hernández promises to donate his salary if he becomes president – ​​Publimetro Colombia

May 18, 2022 at 1:47 p.m.

The presidential candidate Rodolfo Hernandez announced that he would donate his salary if he became president, just as he did when he was mayor of Bucaramanga in 2015.

It should be remembered that the president has a salary of 34.3 million pesos. Therefore, Hernández affirmed, through his social media that “I am not a candidate who invents proposals, the facts speak for me. I also knew what poverty is.”

At the time when he was mayor these resources were allocated to public university studentshisbenized at level 1 and 2, which were called ‘Los pilos del Alcalde’.

“Today I promise to donate my salary as President of the Republic and give it to those most in need. I don’t need money because I already worked for it. What I want is to give back to Colombians a little of what they have given me, ”she detailed.

Similarly this week, Rodolfo presented the first two decrees that he would sign once he takes office as president, in the event that he wins the next elections. The first decree proposes to modify the structure of the Administrative Department of the Presidency, eliminating the Secretariat of Transparency, the Directorate of Projects special services, the Office for attention to the socioeconomic integration of the migrant population and the office of the High Commissioner for Peace.

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In the second decree, he hopes to be able to save on expenses “by defining austerity as a public policy, credits and counter-credits are ordered in the General Budget and the Fernando Botero Museum is created in the Casa de Nariño.”

It also proposes “indefinitely suspending the operation and use of the fleet of planes, helicopters, vehicles and other equipment intended for the use of the President, Vice President, Ministers, First Lady and other high-ranking State officials.”

And the most striking decree seeks intervene in the administration of public resources in charge of Congress. As well as “indefinitely suspend the operation and functioning of vehicles and other equipment intended for the use of senators and representatives to the Chamber, which are not essential for the good performance of the public service in charge of Congressmen”, and to adjust the operation of the UTL.

Finally, for the Presidential Councils proposes a revolution, eliminating those of Women, Children and Adolescents, also that of Youth and that of Information and Press. The same fate would befall the Ministries for the Regions, Consolidation and Stabilization, Human Rights and International Affairs, as well as those of Competitiveness and Public-Private Management, of National security, Participation of people with disabilities and Digital transformation, management and compliance.

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