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Roderick Veelo proves: in the Netherlands, your opinion can mean the end of a good friendship

Podcaster, unemployed start-up self-employed, columnist and all round divine bald / man of steel Roderick Veelo has opinions. Real opinions. True, realistic, cast-iron, well-thought-out, original, rational opinions that cannot be heard enough. And of course that is not allowed. That is why Roderick Veelo has been called ‘extreme right-wing’ for a long time and ‘NSB’er’ and ‘brown shirt’ and ‘fascist’ and ‘Nazi fellow traveler’ and all those other things that you are quickly in the Netherlands if you do not conform to the policor main stream brain-death opinion in which a lot can be said, as long as they are not evident truths or facts because that can hurt people.

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Because Roderick Veelo publishes his opinions in online click-top columns and his opinions weekly in the Award Winning TPO Podcast (perhaps the best podcast in the Netherlands) one day his good girlfriend broke his long-standing friendship with him.

Roderick Veelo’s opinions were not good. Or not good enough. Wrong opinion, end of friendship, girlfriend gone forever.

This is how it goes. The debate in the Netherlands has been dead for so long that even the dissolution no longer stinks. In the trenches you only smell your own fear.

And then you should be glad that because of that opinion you will not be shot in the Mediapark or massacred and beheaded on the Linnaeusstraat.

But Roderick Veelo has the loss of friendships to spare for his freedom of speech. Being able to say what you think is the patience of freedom, for which you pay the highest price if necessary. Because what is the value of friends and friendships if you are not allowed to say what you want at the same time? A play that you have to perform for yourself, every time, and you are always your own audience alone.

In short, Roderick Veelo has character. And balls of steel. And a real backbone. There are still very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very few in the Netherlands. Or in Europe. Or in the world. They have long been in danger of extinction.

So every reason for Roderick Veelo to keep following. Him to read. Him to listen.

And don’t forget donate to him. Preferably much. If only because if you love freedom, you must do everything you can to preserve those who brave continue to be free and proclaim freedom for as long as possible. They could be the last line of defense between your freedom and the eternal darkness of oppression, dictatorship, tyranny, woke policor and totalitarian society.


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