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Rocade Iarivo: Five little scoundrels caught in the meshes of the police net

They are young, most of whom are not even old enough to possess a national identity card. These petty criminals, five in number, were taken by surprise by the police, during a night patrol, when they were about to commit their dirty work for the umpteenth time on this stretch of road of the Iarivo ring road, during this Easter weekend. They were arrested with makeshift weapons in their hands: sticks and clubs. “In front of their victim, they do not hesitate to use these weapons to frighten their prey” emphasizes the police.

It should be noted that this was not the first time that these young people attacked the users of this road, according to the information received. Indeed, we remember the lady, victim of an unnamed attack for a banal phone theft, near Ambohimahitsy, a few days ago, on this road. An act of barbarism that almost took his life. Fortunately, that day, local residents came to his rescue in time and the victim escaped with a few stitches in the hospital. “There is no doubt, these little thugs are the author. Moreover, they confessed during their preliminary investigation confirms the police.

One case among many others, making this place a fertile ground for banditry and a stronghold of criminals in recent times. This is also the reason for the elements of the security forces to take drastic measures to cut short the actions of these malicious individuals, in particular the intensification of patrols and night rounds along this “ highway “. A measure that has proven effective, so far.


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