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Roberto Salvarezza confirmed that there are four projects …

The Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Roberto Salvarezza, confirmed this Monday that there are “four national projects” of vaccines against the coronavirus “in preclinical stage”, that is, tested in laboratory animals, while highlighting the capacity of the Argentine scientific community both to “design” vaccines and to produce and evaluate them.

All the activities that make up vaccines can be done in the country“Salvarezza assured this Monday, after indicating that” manufacturing a vaccine is complex, “since” it implies knowing how to design it, knowing what platform to use, being able to produce it, carry out the clinical trial and evaluate it. “

Currently, he ratified in dialogue with Radio Nacional Bariloche, “there are four projects” of vaccines against covid-19 being developed in the country. “The most advanced is the (study) of the National University of San Martín with Conicet,” he said.

During this year, he stressed Salvation, the Argentine community has already demonstrated its ability to carry out the different stages in “the manufacture of more than 50 million doses in the mAbxience laboratory“for the AstraZeneca vaccine and in” the filtering and packaging of the antigen (from Sputnik V) sent by the Gamaleya Institute “, which is carried out in the Richmond laboratory.

“In March, when the first case of coronavirus occurred in the country, we acted very quickly and called on the scientific community to work on those issues in which we knew we could create tools,” the minister reviewed, who highlighted the solidarity of the national scientific community that “stopped working on its plans and its line of research and dedicated itself to creating these tools.”

During this last time, “appeared very interesting achievements that make Argentina have more sovereignty regarding diagnostics, alternative therapies to combat the virus, computer applications and antiviral textile protection elements, “the official celebrated. And concluded:” The entire Argentine scientific and technological system has been put to the test and has shown that it can do so “.

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