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Roberto Giacobbo tells about his ordeal: “I was about to die of coronavirus”

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“It happened on March 5. Someone passed on the virus to me, probably while I was in the supermarket. Unfortunately, a laryngitis falsified the symptoms. I had a high fever, I was not well. I bought a pulse meter to measure the oxygenation of the blood. One morning I felt a greater difficulty in breathing and after a few hours the oxygenation had collapsed. I ran to the hospital “, says Giacobbo.

A long and painful ordeal that forced the conductor for forty days in hospital: “They took everything away from me, even my wedding ring. I thought it would be the last thing my daughters and my wife would have had. They couldn’t even cry. the body”.

The disease did not even spare the other members of the family who was finally able to embrace again: “I attacked the virus on my wife, the most serious even though she was not hospitalized, and on my three daughters: the youngest asymptomatic, the second with the lack of taste and smell, the greatest with high fever “”.

Finally, he confesses to Silvia Toffanin that he has changed: “Now everything is more beautiful, I am happy. Every breath is more beautiful “.


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