Ninety-one years for a professional designer is even more than thirty-six years for a professional tennis player. And the Roman Roberto Diso, born in 1932 (born April 16), is therefore almost more immortal than the Serbian Novak Djokovic, born in 1987, who dominated the season (he also won in the ATP final at Turin), almost approaching it. at the Grand Slam (three victories out of four majors and the Wimbledon final lost in fifth against the young Spanish phenomenon Carlos Alcaraz).
A non-accidental comparison: already in one of his interviews for the comics review magazine Fumo di China in the early 90s (and at the time it was really rare to be able to read the statements of a comics artist) Diso spoke of his passion for tennis, quoting Boris Becker, popular at the time (in 1989, he won Wimbledon and the US Open).
“Becker was probably my favorite tennis player,” he said in an interview a few years ago. – He was (but without overdoing it), a little off the beaten track, an authentic character; Roger Federer, for example, although he was a phenomenon, was lackluster. I loved Safin, always surrounded by girls like my Mr. No.
Diso is in fact known for being the main designer of the adventures of Mr. No, a veteran of the Second World War who, in the 1950s, took refuge in Manaus, in the wild Amazon, to say no to civilization ( but, even if he was a tour guide, they still come looking for trouble).
Created in 1975 by the editor Sergio Bonelli (who, when writing screenplays, himself signed Guido Nolitta), it was released on newsstands until 2006, and Diso gave it the definitive graphic characterization, also designing the covers from 1984 to 2006 (previously they were entrusted to Gallieno Ferri, graphic designer of Zagor, another Bonelli-Nolitta character).
Sergio Bonelli identifies with Mister No, but also with Diso.
“It’s a resemblance that’s more coincidental than intentional,” he said. – When we met, I was graying and Sergio said to me: “Why don’t you do his hair like yours?” “. In addition, when you draw the same character for a long time if you are not referring to a real person, like an actor for example, it is normal that you draw inspiration, on an unconscious level, from yourself. So I gave Mr. No my gestures, my movements. But it wasn’t a deliberate act, it was an unconscious act.
Her character resembles both of us, who love and respect women. Mr. No also has prostitute friends, defined by their personality and not by the job they do. I really like women, I observe their gestures, their way of being: of course, they are not all beautiful (or do not remain so), but many know how to exude a powerful magnetism.

About twenty years ago, with the closure of Mister No, he joined the Tex team: although many designers have difficulty with the ranger created by Giovanni Luigi Bonelli (Sergio’s father) and Aurelio Galleppini because They don’t like drawing horses, Diso is a big enthusiast instead.
“I have always been struck by the beauty of horses, even now I think that they give the greatest expression of beauty in the animal kingdom – he said. – Of course, tigers and panthers can also be beautiful, but not like horses, at least in my opinion.
In a Mister No adventure taking place in Argentina I included, in agreement with Sergio, a series of tables (the pages of the comic strip Editor’s note) on the taming of horses in the manner of Argentinian gauchos which described in depth this that they were doing.
I have been riding horses for a long time and for me the horse moves with conscious elegance and delights in the admiration of men, just like women.
A book from the Maxi Tex series (consisting of special editions of around three hundred pages each), ‘Laramie County’, is currently on newsstands, entirely drawn by him (texts by Pasquale Ruju), he tried there has had his hand on a short film by Zagor for a few months, while last October, at Romics (the comics festival in his city), he received a lifetime achievement award.

And he arrives in bookstores with his first novel, ‹‹Vaharo›› (Cut-Up Publishing), featuring a young prehistoric warrior (Vaharo, in fact) who must face a fantastic creature and the nomadic warriors who have kidnapped his family. “Don’t be surprised if a cartoonist like Roberto Diso felt the desire to write a novel – writes Moreno Burattini, editor and screenwriter of Zagor, in the introduction to the novel. – He who is born a storyteller, the storytellers››.
In recent years, Mister No returned to newsstands with a miniseries and a special and collaborated Diso, who is currently drawing a truly special story of his favorite character.
Recently, in the archives of the publishing house, in addition to a lost story of Tex from the sixties written by Giovanni Luigi Bonelli and illustrated by Sergio Tarquinio (which has just appeared in the bookstore volume ‘Tex Ombre di Morte’) ), a scenario was We also find an unpublished version of Mister No by Sergio Bonelli (a contemporary of Diso, but unfortunately died in 2011): drawn by Diso, the adventure will probably be released in 2025, for the character’s fiftieth anniversary.
In tennis, we often speak of a “living legend”: Diso is certainly a “living legend” in comics.
2023-11-29 07:28:31
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